Sentences with phrase «unlikely path»

The context sets you up to expect that he'll check his friend's pulse, so the — admittedly dark — humor arrives when he takes the more unlikely path.
But just like water that follows multiple unlikely paths in order to reach the earth, the more advanced you become, the more oblique your approach needs to be as well.
It's that sense of worlds colliding, of unlikely paths crossing; your work life, home life, past life and present all mashing together, commented upon and decorated with photos from here and from there, from then and in the now.
Eventually they stumble into show business via unlikely paths, which motivates one hilarious recording - session scene where every gimmick of the day (sitar, harp, girlie backup vocals) is awkwardly thrown into the mix.
Elijah Wood co-stars as his reluctant assistant, Todd, as the duo wend their way through one big, seemingly insane mystery, crossing unlikely paths with a bevy of wild and sometimes dangerous characters, each episode landing them a few random steps closer to uncovering the truth.
The idea of sharing nuclear technology with Saudi Arabia took an unlikely path to the highest levels of government.
Some of the world's biggest entrepreneurs share an unlikely path to success.
(These are not the same thing functionally, and Evan McMullin might have an unlikely path to the presidency.)
What an unlikely path to AL West dominance.
The Wolverines cut an unlikely path to the title game, dispatching Cinderellas through brute force, silky shooting, and occasional foreshadowed luck.
The bills face an unlikely path in the Republican - led Senate, where GOP lawmakers have been hesitant to embrace reform measures.
Rozelle followed an unlikely path to becoming a crusader for China's infants.
The Focus: Eating what fuels you, building a rocking biz, the unlikely path to today, and connecting with community.
The Circus: Inside the Wildest Political Show on Earth, Season 1, Episode 12: Mark McKinnon covers John Kasich's rally in Wisconsin and discusses his unlikely path toward the nomination.
May 16, 2014 • Martha Woodroof talks to first novelists including Chad Harbach (The Art Of Fielding) about how it feels to gut out the unlikely path that takes a book from idea to publication.
In their first book, «Like Brothers,» the indie filmmaker siblings Jay and Mark Duplass recount their unlikely path to Hollywood and tell readers how to follow suit.
Five years ago, filmmaker Tom Hooper and a little film called The King's Speech took an unlikely path to awards glory, pulling the rug out from under The Social Network and landing four Oscars in total — including Best Picture and Best Director.
The directors also talked about the unlikely path their career has taken, and what parts of the Batman mythology will be referenced in «The LEGO Batman Movie».
It charts an unlikely path through airborne and underwater battles against floods of small machines and countless mini-bosses.
When the music ended, Jette made a choice of her own that sent our family careening down an unlikely path that only now has acquired the reassuring gloss of inevitability.
Tibetan Peach Pie By Tom Robbins Ecco • $ 15.99 • ISBN 9780062267412 In this long - awaited collection of «absolutely true stories,» the author of Another Roadside Attraction and Even Cowgirls Get the Blues traces his unlikely path from small - town North Carolina boy to West Coast chronicler of the 1970s counterculture.
The Adventures of Henry Thoreau: A Young Man's Unlikely Path to Walden Pond Michael Sims Friday, October 9, 12:00 - 1:00 pm Conf.
Victoria Christopher Murray always knew she would become an author, even as she was taking an unlikely path to that destination.
On what might become one of the most significant days in her husband's presidency, Alice Blackwell considers the strange and unlikely path that has led her to the White House — and the repercussions of a life lived, as she puts it, «almost in opposition to itself.»
Stella's logic takes painting on an unlikely path to Postmodernism.
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