Sentences with phrase «unprecedented ability»

Not only do you avoid bothering potential customers with messages they don't want to hear, this approach also gives brands unprecedented ability to create stories and control their own content.
Modern science provides us with unprecedented ability to be wise stewards of these special places and cultural treasures, for the benefit of future generations.
Oppo claims the technology will give users unprecedented ability to capture highly detailed images.
The MS's precise chemical analysis of compounds gave the new technique unprecedented ability to characterize samples.
«Many creatures, such as inchworms that have completely soft compliant bodies without any rigid components (e.g., bones), exhibit unprecedented abilities in adapting their shapes and morphologies and unique locomotion behaviors,» they wrote.
The GLM will allow UAH scientists to view storms from space in a geostationary orbit ¬ - a fixed position relative to Earth — providing unprecedented ability to track lightning activity.
This network provides us with the evolutionarily unprecedented ability to control our own neural processing — a feat achieved by no other creature.
Whole Foods has long been a trendsetter in the wellness arena, with unprecedented ability to give millions of people (even more now, with the new Amazon partnership) access to exciting new healthy foods.
Oppo is preparing to showcase its new 5x smartphone photography, whcih the company claims will give users unprecedented ability to capture highly detailed images.
Private companies now have an unprecedented ability to raise late - stage venture and other private capital to finance their innovation and investment, often on equal or better terms than in the public markets and with less hassle.
Advances in technology and data accessibility are giving companies an unprecedented ability to design territory structures that meet the unique needs of their organizations.
But still his international success with native Brazil and unprecedented ability to score important goals consistantly truly made him the greatest football player of all times.
A combination of genetics and optics gives brain scientists an unprecedented ability to dissect the circuits of the mind
This stem cell model of the disease gave the scientists the unprecedented ability to study rapidly aging cells in the laboratory.
«Computational modeling gives us an unprecedented ability to identify what worked for these people and what didn't.»
This suggests that they have an unprecedented ability to reduce sleep specifically during migration without deficits in their cognitive function.
But the world is changing fast, with lay people now having an unprecedented ability to offer their own feedback on issues that were previously reserved for experts.»
In 2010 a sensitive radio telescope array in Chile, called ALMA, will begin operation, giving researchers an unprecedented ability to locate substances that suggest we are not alone.
«This gave us an unprecedented ability to identify people with a vast range of traits and diseases, identify Neandertal DNA in their genomes, and then test whether the Neandertal DNA influenced any of the traits in their health records.»
Those inhabiting the human body have received increased attention in recent years, owing to a greater appreciation of the interrelated nature of humans and their microbiome, an improved understanding of microbial ecology, and an unprecedented ability to detect fine - scale microbial community changes with high - throughput sequencing technology (Human Microbiome Project Consortium, 2012).
The tremendous complementary strengths at Harvard and MIT in psychology, artificial intelligence, vision science, computational and statistical learning theory, and brain imaging will provide the Center with an unprecedented ability to delve into the roots of intelligence and apply that new understanding to engineered systems.
The Atmospheric Lens TMT's unprecedented ability to peer into the depths of the Universe means it will have a phenomenal impact on many areas of astronomy.
DECam has the largest field - of - view of any 4 - meter or larger telescope, giving it unprecedented ability to search large areas of sky for faint objects.
Machines can't imitate acts of heroic teaching, but with the help of performance - augmenting technologies, teachers will have an unprecedented ability to impact their students» lives for the better.
ESSA now offers states an unprecedented ability to support principal leadership through a variety of «use of funds,» including a new state set - aside of 3 percent of Title II Part A allocations, which are distributed to states by formula.
JacketHPC delivers an unprecedented ability to transparently scale GPU and CPU computing resources simultaneously, either on a local machine or over a network, allowing users to capitalize on the performance of unlimited GPUs on single job instance.
The Optimus 3D obviously features the unprecedented ability of being the world's first 3D capable smartphone.
Stereotactic radiation, delivered with VMAT technology and on - board imaging, offers an unprecedented ability to manipulate dose distribution.
With the unprecedented ability to find all of the cars in the game and drive them immediately, there's no need to earn cash or points in order to unlock your favorite licensed cars.
«Computational modeling gives us an unprecedented ability to identify what worked for these people and what didn't.»
«With our shared mission, and with histories well - rooted in technology and innovation, we will offer clients an unprecedented ability to drive productivity and align IP to their businesses.»
One thing we know for sure is that the world has changed in some fundamental ways thanks to the power of the web and of social media like Twitter: since anyone can be a publisher or a journalist — even for a short time — with the push of a button, we now have an unprecedented ability to see and hear what is happening in places like Tahrir Square in Egypt or Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan.
«This exciting development by Fitbit could help potentially create one of the largest databases of menstrual health metrics in the world, providing healthcare and research professionals with an unprecedented ability to study menstrual cycles and women's health with real world data.»
The assistant will also give the user unprecedented ability to interact with the S8 by being able to switch seamlessly between voice and touch commands, and has the ability to even understand incomplete phrases to complete tasks through cognitive tolerance.
Andy Turner teaches a revolutionary new methodology that will allow you to generate all the leads your businesses can handle, position you as the dominant player in your industry and give you the unprecedented ability to out - market and out - sell your competition.
For the past 35 years, John Gottman's research has been internationally recognized for its unprecedented ability to precisely measure interactive processes in couples and to predict the long - term success or failure of relationships.
Another key feature of Argus 12 is more flexible forecasting, including an unprecedented ability to change the start date of a model.
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