Sentences with phrase «unprecedented accuracy»

The phrase "unprecedented accuracy" means achieving a level of precision or correctness that has never been seen before. It refers to something being incredibly accurate or precise in a way that has not been matched or achieved previously. Full definition
In political theory, neuroscience charters new territories because it explains human nature with unprecedented accuracy.
The most obvious applications of the measurement and manipulation of quantum systems are atomic clocks of unprecedented accuracy and the eventual advent of quantum computers.
The radar can measure the surface height variation of ice in fine detail, allowing scientists to record changes in its volume with unprecedented accuracy.
This capability describes a suite of computational tools that offer unprecedented accuracy for describing energetics of reactions and photoexcited electron dynamics in photoabsorber materials.
The presence of annual layers or growth rings within many of these provides geologically unprecedented accuracy in the placement of the primary reference marker, wherever this might be ultimately chosen.»
Dr Giasemi Vavoula, Lecturer in Museum Studies at the University of Leicester, said: «The mobile app will use Bluetooth Beacons, a new technology that brings unprecedented accuracy to indoor location identification and can deliver location - specific multimedia content.
Capsure's advanced technology offers unprecedented accuracy in color measurement and allows for capture even from small, patterned, multi-colored textures and textiles.
Computer scientists at the University of California, San Diego, have developed a new model to simulate with unprecedented accuracy on the computer the way cloth and light interact.
The face of «Cheddar Man», Britain's oldest nearly complete skeleton at 10,000 years old, is revealed for the first time and with unprecedented accuracy by UCL and Natural History Museum researchers.
We follow Kepler's almost interminable compilation of a set of star and planet data of unprecedented accuracy called the Rudolphine Tables, which led on...
Data was generated with a new method that uses a modern DNA sequencer that produces hundreds of millions of sequences, giving the results unprecedented accuracy and reliability.
CSHL scientists have designed software that enables biologists to determine with unprecedented accuracy how much protein a given cell is making...
In order to nail down some of the tricky details of tornado formation, Erik Rasmussen of the National Severe Storms Laboratory in Norman, Okla., banded together with several of his colleagues to undertake storm studies of unprecedented accuracy.
, By Ashley Rosenblatt, LMA Mid-Atlantic Region Newsletter, October 30, 2017 AI tools such as these bring unprecedented accuracy and efficiency to due diligence in mergers and acquisitions, real estate leases, financial deals and contracts at risk of noncompliance with various regulatory bodies.
This illustration shows the three steps astronomers used to measure the universe's expansion rate to an unprecedented accuracy, reducing the total uncertainty to 2.4 percent.
Riess» team made the discovery by refining the universe's current expansion rate to unprecedented accuracy, reducing the uncertainty to only 2.4 percent.
Looking ahead, engineers have set their sights even higher, on computers a thousand times as fast as Tianhe - 1A that could model the global climate with unprecedented accuracy, simulate molecular interactions, and track terrorist activity.
These variants enabled them to establish phylogenetic relationships and timelines among the sequences with unprecedented accuracy.
Calibrating images from the Hubble Space Telescope's high - end cameras against those from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe — a satellite that maps the heat signature of the early universe — Riess and his colleagues retraced the growth history of the universe with unprecedented accuracy and depth.
It is part of a tabletop instrument called a torsion pendulum, which can measure gravity's strength across small distances with unprecedented accuracy.
A new imaging technique helps researchers map the damage from traumatic brain injury with unprecedented accuracy.
Romeiser and Graber developed a new method to process the data that enhances the internal wave patterns to extract the velocities with unprecedented accuracy.
The data it gathers will allow meteorologists to predict the magnitude of a storm with unprecedented accuracy, and improve storm warnings and forecasts for the tens of millions of people who could be in harm's way.
Ocean - going robots off the east coast of the US promise to predict the magnitude of hurricanes with unprecedented accuracy
The results of the study are of paramount importance since this new technique shows that it is possible to obtain even more accurate measurements of atomic spins, opening a new path to the development of far more sensitive instruments and enabling the detection of signals, such as gravitational waves or brain activity, with unprecedented accuracy.
Simulations based on this model reproduce the experiments with unprecedented accuracy.
The two analyses together establish the expansion rate at 68 kilometers per second per million light years at redshift 2.34, with an unprecedented accuracy of 2.2 percent.
Combining the power of 27 data resources, Omnipath helps researchers see biological signalling pathways with unprecedented accuracy.
The automated confocal micro-extensometer (ACME)-- developed by a team of researchers in Europe and the US — allows scientists to measure spatial variation in the mechanical properties of plant cells with unprecedented accuracy.
In the Nature article, the researchers propose a model that is capable of determining with unprecedented accuracy the age, volume and injection rate of magma that has accumulated at inaccessible depths.
Their expertise in the computational techniques — such as microkinetic modeling and density functional theory — enabled the researchers to describe the experimentally observed decomposition reaction with unprecedented accuracy and detail.
Another team, led by scientists from the Joint Institute for Very Long Baseline Interferometry in Europe (JIVE), in Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, will use a world - wide network of radio telescopes, including the NRAO telescopes, to track the probe's trajectory with unprecedented accuracy.
Named after the Greek mathematician often referred to as the «Father of Geometry,» the Euclid mission will attempt to map out the large - scale structure of the Universe with unprecedented accuracy and attempt to understand the exact nature of dark energy.
As the distance to that galaxy is only 70 Megaparsec or 230 million light years, we are able to examine the jet structure with an unprecedented accuracy of only a few hundred black hole radii or 12 light days», concludes Professor Anton Zensus, director at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, Germany and head of its VLBI research department, a co-author of the paper.
«The trim coils have proven extremely useful, not only by ensuring a balanced plasma exhaust onto the divertor plates, but also as a tool for the physicists to perform magnetic field measurements of unprecedented accuracy,» said Thomas Sunn Pederson, Max Planck director of stellarator edge and divertor physics.
In addition, high - resolution studies of cosmic masers can allow astronomers to calculate distances to them with unprecedented accuracy, and thus help resolve continuing questions about the size and age of the universe.
CRISPR, a new gene editing technology that is derived from the immune systems of certain bacteria, allows researchers to alter genes with unprecedented accuracy.
These unnerving scenarios are based on the research of a team led by Nobel Laureate Adam Riess, who began a quest in 2005 to measure the universe's expansion rate to unprecedented accuracy with new, innovative observing techniques.
• And with proper use of the input fields, directions, and manual overrides, you can compare almost anything to anything, with unprecedented accuracy.
The Wisdom Panel testing development included the analysis of more than 19 million DNA markers from more than 13,000 dogs, enabling the detection of breed composition of dogs with unprecedented accuracy.
Designed from the ground up to exploit the unprecedented accuracy and precision of Kinect for Xbox One, and the gyroscopic features of the new PlayStation 4 controller, Blue Estate offers slick wit and punishing violence through a genuinely fun and intuitive control system, all set in an eye - popping technicolor mob world.
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