Sentences with phrase «unprecedented amount»

The phrase "unprecedented amount" means a larger or greater quantity or level than anything that has happened before, and it is unique or never seen before. Full definition
What is worth teaching, with unprecedented amounts of online information?
Be You — This game offers unprecedented amounts of player freedom; you can do whatever you want!
By turning to these rich stores we have created societies that transform unprecedented amounts of energy.
Private sector partners using new data collection technologies will be offering access to unprecedented amounts of data and new visualization tools.
The initiative includes funding for unprecedented amounts of SETI time at three world - class observatories: the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia, the Automated Planet Finder telescope in California and the Parkes Observatory in Australia.
«Cesium is one of the dominant radionuclides that was released in unprecedented amounts with contaminated water from Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant following the March 11, 2011, earthquake and tsunami,» says Buesseler.
While it's true the Obama campaign raised unprecedented amounts of money from small and mid-sized donors, it also broke records in community outreach, with an army of volunteers knocking on doors and making millions of phone calls.
«Modern medicine has generated unprecedented amounts of data.
Hurricane Harvey: $ 125 Billion When: Aug. 25 to 31, 2017 Deaths: 89 The damage: Houston saw unprecedented amounts of rainfall — up to 60 inches — by the time Hurricane Harvey had run its course.
We're only printing such unprecedented amounts of money to prevent the greatest deflationary crisis since the Great Depression — when debt gets written off and financial bubbles bursts.
On the other hand we're right up there with some of the metro areas once again which shows how this system is continuing to bring unprecedented amounts of state investment into the North Country.»
Thin - film microelectrode arrays produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) have enabled development of an automated system to sort brain activity by individual neurons, a technology that could open the door to recording and analyzing unprecedented amounts of neural signals over time...
Despite the challenges in understanding its metrics, «Facebook and Instagram have provided unprecedented amounts of data that allow you to reach those people in a way that is really efficient and can be really personal,» says Kia.
And for every politician who tells you incorrectly that there's no link between global warming and hurricanes, there are at least three researchers saying that we need to prepare for the fact that the strongest hurricanes will become more intense and will probably — like Harvey — start to produce unprecedented amounts of rain.
The resulting devastation and death caused by this environmental catastrophe has plunged the planet into sub-zero temperatures and covered its remaining inhabitants under unprecedented amounts of snow.
Hurricane Harvey has dumped unprecedented amounts of rainfall across a wide swath of coastal Texas and into Louisiana, displacing thousands and causing impassable flooding in many areas.
Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, humans have released unprecedented amounts of carbon dioxide and other heat - trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
The government has rolled out a swath of national security laws and given intelligence agencies unprecedented amounts of taxpayer money, but the community is feeling insecure.
But Labour minister for children, young people and families, Beverly Hughes, defended the government's record, saying they had spent unprecedented amounts on special needs children.
Three months after the tsunami - stricken Fukushima Daiichi plant began leaking unprecedented amounts of radioactive isotopes, an interdisciplinary group of scientists will begin measuring the radioactivity in the ocean east of Japan on 4 June.
While Nintendo has demoed gameplay from the untitled Legend of Zelda in the past, Spanish game site GameReactor reports that their E3 livestreams will run throughout the day, delivering unprecedented amounts of new footage and info about the game.
«Facebook, Google, and Twitter have amassed unprecedented amounts of personal data and use this data when selling advertising, including political advertisements,» the senators wrote in a letter to Grassley.
Georgia Governor Nathan Deal plans to sign a sweeping gun bill that would allow licensed gun owners to carry their firearms into a nearly unprecedented amount of public places, including bars, government buildings and a vast amount of public places.
«Handling all the data coming from Mars is becoming a challenge for us,» says Barry Geldzahler, the program executive for space operations in NASA's Office of Space Science in Washington, D.C. «The Mars Odyssey is sending back unprecedented amounts of data, and with the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, we'll have another order of magnitude more.»
Unmanned aircraft have transformed the way the U.S. wages war, making it possible to gather unprecedented amounts of aerial imagery using nearly undetectable platforms and to strike at targets without putting pilots at risk.
Over the years, science has given way to raw politics as the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and supporters of DOE's repository project in Congress have sought to obfuscate and compensate for an ever - multiplying set of flaws and problems with the site and with the notion of transporting unprecedented amounts of deadly spent nuclear fuel and high - level nuclear waste across the country.
«What is really exciting about this project is that we'll be creating a system that will manage unprecedented amounts of genotypic data and will make it all accessible for breeders,» said Mueller.
You will experiencean unprecedented amount of massage, steam and gentle extractions, leaving your skin clear, soft and exfoliated.
This is by harnessing unprecedented amounts of data about our earth and environment and making them ready to use by everyone.
The National Weather Service added new colors to its rainfall maps to effectively map Hurricane Harvey, which dropped unprecedented amounts of rainfall over Texas
Still, the judge's order, which was made public late Wednesday, renewed concerns among privacy advocates that Internet companies like Google are collecting unprecedented amounts of private information that could be misused or fall unexpectedly into the hands of third parties.
Its 6x optical zoom and 41 - megapixel sensor allow users to see a heretofore unprecedented amount of detail in a photo taken using a smartphone camera.
An exciting live auction is always a highlight, where prizes fetch unprecedented amounts through the generosity of donors and bidders.
Armed with unprecedented amounts of information and the tools to connect with one another, teachers are organizing on a DIY grassroots level to create some amazing learning and professional development opportunities.
Raising unprecedented amounts of money to outspend competitors, hiring key political PR experts to throw dirt on the taxi industry, and eventually ditching drivers to use self - driving cars.
Those companies generated unprecedented amounts of shoddy mortgages that were packaged and sold to investors as securities, many of which turned out to be worthless despite their investment - grade ratings.
And since the Tech Bubble, we have seen unprecedented amounts of liquidity funneled into the capital markets, and highly - levered, credit - sensitive, smaller - cap and lower - quality stocks and sectors outperformed their more liquid, larger - cap, higher - quality counterparts.
Dec. 12, 2017 - Thin - film microelectrode arrays produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) have enabled development of an automated system to sort brain activity by individual neurons, a technology that could open the door to recording and analyzing unprecedented amounts of neural signals over time...
Penn State researchers have created a new hybrid technology that produces unprecedented amounts of electrical power where seawater and freshwater combine at the coast.
The resulting devastation and death caused by this environmental catastrophe has plunged the planet into sub-zero temperatures and covered its remaining inhabitants under unprecedented amounts of snow.
This product is an anabolic steroid that releases unprecedented amounts of the natural male hormone in your bloodstream.
Coupled with unprecedented amounts of information, fully - empowered consumers are directing their own home buying experience, beginning with online searches.
Dauman's appointment as chairman means he now has an unprecedented amount of control over the fate of Viacom.
The Millennial generation is the largest in our history, and soon, will command an unprecedented amount of spending power and make up the majority of the workforce as well.
Sharing companies have access to unprecedented amounts of customer and contractor data.

Phrases with «unprecedented amount»

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