Sentences with phrase «unprecedented attack»

Despite the many gains in health care equity since that time, we again face unprecedented attacks on access to basic health care services.
We're facing unprecedented attacks on our health care, rights, and communities.
The TUC said in its report Decent Pensions for All that the public sector had come under unprecedented attack from critics who distorted the costs of running the system to boost arguments in favour of steep cuts in benefits.
«This year, charter schools are facing unprecedented attacks in the California Legislature, as demonstrated by AB 401, and other short - sighted bills that threaten to limit the number of charter schools able to operate in the state.
Planned Parenthood is under unprecedented attack right now... there are some politicians that believe my access to health care is not a right and they want to take it away.
Currently under the direction of I. David Marshall, President of the WSIB and Elizabeth Witmer, the Chair of the WSIB, we have seen unprecedented attacks upon injured workers» benefits.
«The right to peacefully protest is a cornerstone of democracy and in these uncertain times, we are facing unprecedented attacks on our immigrant community from the White House,» he added.
«This year, charter schools are facing unprecedented attacks in the California Legislature,» he said in a statement.
Reason for despair: In my field, public education is under unprecedented attack by a bipartisan coalition that calls themselves «reformers.»
Just a few months ago, Donald Trump was conducting an unprecedented attack on the mainstream press by keeping them in pens at his rallies, subjecting them to abuse, taking away press passes from newspapers.
President Thomas Bach called it «an unprecedented attack on the integrity of the Olympic Games.»
The FBI released the document in the wake of last Monday's unprecedented attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment, which brought corporate email down for a week and crippled other systems as the company prepares to release several highly anticipated films during the crucial holiday film season.
«Something pretty crazy happened this week,» Franco joked as he began a monologue about the unprecedented attack on U.S. soil, which included the theft of sensitive data of actors who had worked on Sony films.
Ukraine was the worst - affected country, with banking operations compromised in what authorities said was an unprecedented attack.
«Despite the level of hysteria and partisanship in American politics, we are surprised and disappointed by the unprecedented attack on a media company by an organization that purports to value free speech,» American Media officials said in a statement Tuesday about the Common Cause complaint.
«Despite the level of hysteria and partisanship in American politics, we are surprised and disappointed by the unprecedented attack on a media company by an organization that purports to value free speech,» the company's statement said.
In July 2011, Ireland's newly elected Prime Minister (or «Taoiseach») Enda Kenny launched an unprecedented attack on the Vatican.
I have simply been defending Wenger from an unprecedented attack by aggressive schoolboys that just spewed vile insults without allowing any objective discussion.
The PCS union believes backing strike action is «the only way» to resist the government's «unprecedented attacks» on public sector workers.
The coming year could become a concerted takeover of our internet access and an unprecedented attack on freedom of speech online.
We are facing an unprecedented attack on women's rights and this will only continue under a Trump Presidency.»
That was not the case yesterday when John Bercow used the platform to launch an unprecedented attack on the leader of the free world.
It is being seen as a day of action to defend health and safety from the unprecedented attack currently being mounted against workplace safety by the Coalition Government.
«Is this the time to be worrying about perks and assignments and better offices or is it a time to stand up during an unprecedented attack on civil rights?»
PCS PARLIAMENTARY BRIEFING: October 2010 PCS fear that the government's comprehensive spending review will put hundreds of thousands of public sector workers out of work and is an unprecedented attack on the welfare state, public services, communities, jobs and benefits.
Taken together this is an unprecedented attack on social mobility.
The BNP has had a busy week, with army chiefs making an unprecedented attack on the party for using military imagery to sell its political message.
Osborne used the statement to launch an unprecedented attack on Balls in the Spectator magazine, saying the Treasury minister in question may well have been Balls.
His unprecedented attack on the incompetence of defence secretary Philip Hammond has got Tories, who don't need much encouragement to start frothing at the mouth at the Speaker's behaviour, gnashing their teeth and muttering dark oaths in the corridors.
Fallon today launched an unprecedented attack on Khan, claiming that Labour's mayoral candidate was «unfit» for the City Hall job because he had shared platforms with extreme radicals.
Boris Johnson has launched an unprecedented attack on the prime minister's preferred option for a post-Brexit EU customs partnership, calling the proposed system crazy
Malloy critic Jonathan Pelto, who tweeted news of the CEA endorsement Saturday morning, said that Malloy has waged «an unprecedented attack» on teachers.
«I supported the election of a new team, primarily because I thought that we needed, as an organization, to dramatically change our resistance to this unprecedented attack on teachers,» said Barbara Bowen, president of the Professional Staff Congress, which represents CUNY faculty.
Our membership, like many citizens of New York are outraged at Governor Cuomo's unprecedented attack on our second amendment rights.
New Jersey State AFL - CIO President Charles Wowkanec called Christie's budget and his proposed 33 - bill «toolkit» to «rein in» local government costs «an unprecedented attack on collective bargaining and workers.»
In addition to the loss of rare and valuable manuscripts and other artifacts, the unprecedented attack on a prominent research facility is being mourned as the latest example of the country's growing religious intolerance.
When fanatical terrorist Omair Idrisi escapes from Syrian authorities with plans to launch an unprecedented attack that could change the face of modern warfare, the ensuing manhunt can only be entrusted to counter terrorism's best and brightest.
To the extent that teachers have rallied, it's in response to unprecedented attacks on them in places like Wisconsin, where a half century of labor law was radically rewritten.
Wake County Commissioner Erv Portman called a statement from his fellow commissioners an unprecedented attack on him and some of his board members.
«It's time for us to not take anything for granted and do everything we can to hold back this unprecedented attack,» Wallace said.
This time, use your vote to slap back the testing mania and the unprecedented attack on our students, their teachers, the teaching profession and our public schools.
As the Charter School Industry and their corporate education reform allies continue their unprecedented attack on public schools and public school teachers, it is important to remember why so many great teachers work so hard to support, guide and educate their students.
On 6th February 2018, the British Sun newspaper ran an article with the following headline: ISLE BE WAITING Ibiza launches tourist crackdown and extra police ahead of holiday season: reporting that, «IBIZA is launching an unprecedented attack on the bad aspects of mass tourism and is calling for more police before the start of the summer season.»
The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), a professional organization representing 55,000 teachers nationwide, sent a letter to its members calling on them to resist what they characterized as an «unprecedented attack
But essentially, we've been forced into that by this unprecedented attack on science that we're seeing.
ISHR's New York Director Eleanor Openshaw said the move is an unprecedented attack on the crucial oversight provided by experts of countries whose citizens face severe and widespread human rights violations.
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