Sentences with phrase «unprecedented degree»

In today's volatile business climate, businesses experience unprecedented degrees of turnover, competition, disruption, and uncertainty.
As Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Denver observed on Humanae Vitae's thirtieth anniversary in 1998, «Contraception has released males — to a historically unprecedented degree — from responsibility for their sexual aggression.»
We operate high - performing urban public charter schools, a unique graduate school of education that trains teachers for high - poverty schools, and a hybrid college and jobs program that seeks unprecedented degree completion rates and employment outcomes.
I say this not to venerate Mrs Thatcher — she was by no means a liberal, for example centralising power within Whitehall to a quite unprecedented degree — but to highlight the major failing of the Conservative Party under David Cameron: to persuade most voters that the Conservatives will serve the interests of the aspirant want - to - haves, and not merely favour its core group of prosperous already - haves.
Match Beyond is building a program that will yield unprecedented degree completion rates and prepare graduates to succeed in the new twenty - first century job opportunities.
Apple also controls services linked to the device to an unprecedented degree.
The company also claims the inverter's compact design allows for an «unprecedented degree» of power density, which refers to the amount of energy that can be transformed per unit of volume.
The article notes that according to Standard & Poor's, dispersion among stocks reached a historic low in 2014, meaning that stocks have moved in tandem to an unprecedented degree.
Before you jump to the conclusion that low loan demand means there isn't a problem, consider that banks have tightened lending standards to an unprecedented degree over the past year, and have not begun to loosen them.
And underlying the U.S. stock market is an unprecedented degree of fraud and corruption.
Meanwhile, the wealthiest percentile, in the U.S. and elsewhere, has prospered to an unprecedented degree.
(Margaret Mead, Culture and commitment: A Study of the Generation Gap, (Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1970) Lightning - fast social changes have widened the communication and value gap between the generations to an unprecedented degree.
To an unprecedented degree, children today exist at — and for — our pleasure.
It is hard to feel sinful about something that seems inevitable, and to an unprecedented degree our age both is unconscious of sin and feels helpless before it.
Obama has become one of our very worst presidents, particularly in his unprecedented degree of mendacity - employment and his sickening shamelessness about it, a disgrace related to his exacerbating his party's habit of reality - denial about fiscal, labor, and other economy - shaping policies.
You will be required to summon up an unprecedented degree of courage if you plan to wipe away the whole horizon of transcendence.
2) It will compel us to recognize that, to an unprecedented degree, we determine habitat, and it will therefore demand a heightened sense of human responsibility, an ethic of care for persons and the world.
And yes, I know many of the items on that list are total pipe dreams in today's political landscape, but the fact that we're at least having these conversations, to an unprecedented degree in our society, is a step forward.
Entirely through her efforts, healthy eating and child nutrition are now part of the national conversation to an unprecedented degree.
Respected news magazine, The Economist, has disowned a publication in circulation which reports that Nigerians have displayed an unprecedented degree of patience with President Muhammadu Buhari.
Marshall laid down conditions including that the Europeans were to receive the American cash in return foragreeing an unprecedented degree of mutual cooperation and economic liberalisation.
Sen. Hiram Moserrate returns to Democratic fold in the state Senate creating a 31 - 31 deadlock that will require of legislators an unprecedented degree of maturity to get anything at all done.
It's an unprecedented degree of control of a governor over local school districts.»
Passage of the IIRA would give BLB&G latitude to pursue settlements of this size with an unprecedented degree of freedom.
Their system automatically grouped the thousands of songs by patterns of chord changes and tone allowing researchers to statistically identify trends with an unprecedented degree of consistency.
D.J. (stock image) The researchers system automatically grouped the thousands of songs by patterns of chord changes and tone allowing researchers to statistically identify trends with an unprecedented degree of consistency.
Scientists are collaborating across borders to an unprecedented degree, broadening opportunities in Big Science and Big Data projects and helping bridge the gulf between nations
The Archaean discovered under the Atlantic — dubbed Lokiarchaeota in Nature in May — appears transitional, showing an unprecedented degree of genetic overlap with eukaryotes.
Teaching our machines to behave morally requires an unprecedented degree of moral clarity.
Fine is one of the few scientists using organoids to study brain cancer in hopes of personalizing glioblastoma care to an unprecedented degree: by screening drugs in mini versions of cancer patients» actual brains containing their actual tumor cells.
«In the past hundred years,» Fogel says, «humans have gained an unprecedented degree of control over their environment, a degree of control so great that it sets them apart not only from all other species, but from all previous generations of Homo sapiens.»
David Reich of Harvard Medical School in Boston has now sequenced the Neanderthal genome and that of another extinct human, the Denisovan, to an unprecedented degree of accuracy.
Neurologist Leigh Hochberg, the lead author on the paper with Donoghue, hopes that the current trials are the first step toward giving severely disabled people an unprecedented degree of independence.
A team of scientists working at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory and led by Northern Illinois University physicist and Argonne materials scientist Zhili Xiao has created a new material, called «rewritable magnetic charge ice,» that permits an unprecedented degree of control over local magnetic fields and could pave the way for new computing technologies.
ALMA will be the most powerful telescope for observing these extremely cold clouds, and it will deliver images of them with an unprecedented degree of detail.
Even still, the near - unprecedented degree to which the same four actors have steamrolled their competition strikes me as an unusually misguided example of the consensus machine working overtime.
But with his latest film, The Day After Tomorrow, Emmerich has asked us to suspend disbelief to an unprecedented degree: The vice president of the United States, modeled closely on Dick Cheney, is overruled on a policy question by the president.
Putting that film in the mix gives 2017's mother - daughter stories an unprecedented degree of realness and of timeliness, in larger themes of money worries and challenging authorities.
New assessments for the common core, currently being developed by two multistate consortia, will rely on technology to an unprecedented degree.
The city has since upped the ante with an unprecedented degree of school choice and a highly sophisticated, centralized approach to school assignment.
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