Sentences with phrase «unprecedented opportunity»

"Unprecedented opportunity" means a chance or possibility that has never happened before and is unique or rare. Full definition
It is a journey that offers unprecedented opportunities for growth and fulfillment.
But it also offers unprecedented opportunities to criminals, terrorists, and hostile states.
He explained that today's technology provides unprecedented opportunities for young people to pursue their interests — but also a unique new challenge.
«The growing acceptance of medical marijuana is providing business operators and investors with unprecedented opportunities,» the authors note.
Changing environmental conditions open unprecedented opportunities for industrial development that has the potential to compromise wildlife habitat.
If this provision survives and makes it into the bill, first timers could enjoy unprecedented opportunity to achieve «homeowner» status.
«Emerging technologies offer an almost unprecedented opportunity to build and implement effective prevention and treatment interventions at scale, particularly in screening and intervention,» the report says.
Are smartphones facilitating unprecedented opportunities or destroying a generation?
Genius Hour is a nearly unprecedented opportunity for teachers to guide students in how to be effective learners and citizens, by helping them connect what they do in school to the broader community.
A tablet provides unprecedented opportunities for mobile, personalized, and differentiated learning.
Just in the last few years publishing service vendors and print on demand technology have provided unprecedented opportunity for children's authors to create trade quality print books and reach an audience.
«Global technology innovations, cost pressures and regulatory changes are creating unprecedented opportunities in the Healthcare and FinTech sectors,» Ann Lamont, the firm's managing partner, said in a statement.
As their cost and size have plummeted, partly in response to the availability of standardized off - the - shelf components, nanosatellites such as CubeSat, have opened up unprecedented opportunities in remote sensing.
«Our efforts to empower parents and disrupt the failing status quo in education are more important now than ever at this time of unprecedented opportunity for our movement.»
At the same time, technologies from the camcorder to the webcam give unprecedented opportunities for image - making and self - representation.
This market presents unprecedented opportunities for Canadian exporters in products and services.
Fitzroy wanted a natural scientist as companion, because this would mean unprecedented opportunities for him to engage in research on the extended stopovers on land.
In October, Comet Siding Spring will pass a mere 131,000 kilometers from Mars, giving scientists unprecedented opportunities to observe the icy visitor and its possible effects on the Red Planet.
In fact, ESSA provides states and school districts unprecedented opportunities to support principals and their school districts, which, in turn will improve instructional leadership for teachers.
According to Gundlach, this will cause inflation to spike again and create further unprecedented opportunities.
The legalization of marijuana will open unprecedented opportunities around the world, GrowPayment will play a critical role to the industry development by strengthening businesses and increasing consumer experience.
This is equally the case if cyberspace is to be protected against unprecedented opportunities for criminal activity.
This unheard of and completely unprecedented opportunity invites wireless subscribers like you to try the Sprint network for amazing prices!
The nation's first formal PhD Program in the Biology of Aging offers graduates unprecedented opportunities to learn from world leaders in the field of aging research — both at the Buck Institute and the USC Davis School of Gerontology in Los Angeles.
With iLearn, your school or district can benefit from unprecedented opportunities to individualize learning.
The museum's vast galleries and multiplicity of stages — both inside and out — offer artists unprecedented opportunities to make and present large - scale sculpture, inventive theater, and big new musical ideas that will confound expectations... and delight you.
While this research identifies and acknowledges both the threats and challenges that face information professionals, we also uncover unprecedented opportunities.
«We foresee unprecedented opportunities for disruption in the global real estate and lodging markets that will allow investors, lodging guests and property owners to benefit in many ways, providing cost - savings and convenience, compared to the currently inefficient and expensive options.»
As an era of unprecedented opportunity opens up for legal businesses, only those who actively embrace new ways of working, even if that means battling traditionally risk - averse cultures, will be fully poised to reap the benefits
The increasing pace of innovation, improvements in technology, greater patient access to healthcare, new funding models and a trend away from large corporations towards smaller startups, are also providing unprecedented opportunities for everyone regardless of demographic, to become key players in the biopharma / healthcare industry.
Understanding why boys and girls with mutations in the same gene have different outcomes presents unprecedented opportunities to fix the problem.»
By innovating traditional finance and harnessing the immense power of blockchain, our aim is that our service offerings create unprecedented opportunities for the community and the rest of the world.
The full range of choices embraces every aspect of the vehicle, giving unprecedented opportunities to customise each car.
With some of the biggest brands in the business, Kraft Heinz offers unprecedented opportunities for marketers to gain experience quickly and to rapidly advance their careers.
A wave of business owners will be retiring in the next few years — and that means unprecedented opportunity
The strange new world we live in opens unprecedented opportunities for ministries to persons.
Michigan state legislators have an almost unprecedented opportunity to get it right by passing a Parent Trigger law.
Moreover, the rapidly growing catalog of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the human population, the decreasing cost of genotyping and whole - genome sequencing, the completion of the reference human DNA sequence and a haplotype map of the entire human genome provide unprecedented opportunities for advancing the study of complex genetic diseases.
Depending on your point of view, the burgeoning marijuana industry in Canada is either an unprecedented opportunity to rake in huge profits as recreational use becomes legal, or a speculative bubble that will eventually pop.
Canadian leaders have an unprecedented opportunity to better leverage operational and financial data.
The State Government's strategy of centralising «back office» activities into shared service centres is creating unprecedented opportunities for the information technology sector.
In the end, mobile represents an unprecedented opportunity for brands to reach consumers in an additive way.
It's going to take all of us working together to make the most of this unprecedented opportunity to transform healthcare.»
With very few companies even coming near Loyalty 3.0, there are unprecedented opportunities for forward - thinking companies to become leaders in this movement and gain competitive advantages by forging rock - solid customer relationships.
The BYOD genie is out of the bottle, bringing with it unprecedented opportunities for enterprises but also new threats, $ BT Global Services Vice President Neil Sutton said in a statement.
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