Sentences with phrase «unprecedented rate»

The phrase "unprecedented rate" means that something is happening or changing very quickly or at a level that has never been seen before. Full definition
The earth and its ecological processes are changing at unprecedented rates due to human activity; the effects of these changes are uncertain.
For example, we have seen the ice and snow extent greatly decrease throughout the world, reflecting unprecedented rates of melting in modern time.
Climate change is happening, being driven by the human combustion of fossil fuels at unprecedented rates for more than a century.
Later peak years could require unprecedented rates of decline.
Ice sheets are shrinking at unprecedented rates Clearly, there is much work to be done.
The demand for online education and training is growing at unprecedented rate, which created severe skill shortage for eLearning experts.
Waters are being buried and contaminated at unprecedented rates in Appalachia, and numerous scientific studies show that the people in this region are suffering greatly.
With few exceptions, glaciers around the world have retreated at unprecedented rates over the last century.
As the bull market has leapt to new heights, at unprecedented rates since the new year, retail investors, supposedly long on the sidelines if financial media are to be believed, rushed to jump on the train.
Coral reefs, which support diverse communities of fish and other marine life, are declining globally at unprecedented rates due to human - caused impacts, such as warming waters and ocean acidification.
The sooner global emissions start to fall, the lower the risk not only of major climatic disruption, but also of the economic disruption that could otherwise arise from the need for subsequent reductions at historically unprecedented rates, should near - term action remain inadequate.»
From overfishing and pollution to coastal development and climate change, fragile coral ecosystems are disappearing at unprecedented rates around the world.
Glaciers in South America's Andes mountain range are receding at unprecedented rates as a result of climate change, according to a recent study published in the science journal Cryosphere.
Checkpoint inhibitors already produce unprecedented rates of long - term remission for a handful of hard - to - treat cancers, but their potential is even greater: Because such drugs modify the body's response to cancer, rather than the cancer itself, they could theoretically be effective against almost any kind of malignancy.
«The cleantech industry employs more Canadians than oil and gas, venture capital funding has increased, and international pressures are driving unprecedented rates of adoption for these technologies.
Merchants are adopting it at unprecedented rates because lies and propaganda are powerless against the individual incentive to profit.
No other generation has seen — or felt — the firsthand impact of divorce as much as millennials: Boomers divorced at unprecedented rates starting in the 1980s and «90s.
Davis is an elite super soldier as well in addition to being the caretaker of George, an albino ape who begins growing at an alarming and unprecedented rate after being exposed to a mutagen created by Energyne, a sinister corporation messing around with DNA to create a race of deadly super-animals.
But, of course, it will require totally unprecedented rates of change in the globally energy system if it's actually going to be achieved.»
«The sooner global emissions start to fall, the lower the risk not only of major climate disruption, but also of economic disruption that could otherwise arise from the need for subsequent reductions at historically unprecedented rates, should near - term action remain inadequate,» says another of the report's authors, Michael Grubb, professor of international energy and climate change policy at University College London's Institute of Sustainable Resources.
The only mechanisms that can cause such a rapid increase in the rate of sea - level rise are heating and expansion of the oceans and melting of glaciers and ice sheets; both are known to be occurring at unprecedented rates for the past few thousand years.
Unless economic growth can be reconciled with unprecedented rates of decarbonization (in excess of 6 % per year15), it is difficult to envisage anything other than a planned economic recession being compatible with stabilization at or below 650 ppmv CO2e.
Thirty - one companies are unicorns — with valuations of $ 1 billion or more — growing at unprecedented rates.
(That's when total industry revenues, which most insiders now put at more than $ 2 billion, climbed at an unprecedented rate.)
Pretty much all serious scientists who study the issue — including U.S. government scientists — agree that the Earth's climate is changing at an unprecedented rate, primarily because of human emissions.
«Small business owners are seeing the number of alternative sources for financing their companies grow at an unprecedented rate, and while this is a good thing in terms of increasing access to capital, borrower protections have not caught up,» Mills said last month while introducing the borrowers rights bill in Washington.
«T - Mobile and Sprint have already been taking share from Verizon and AT&T at an unprecedented rate,» says longtime telecom analyst Craig Moffett of MoffettNathanson.
Meanwhile, China is funding research at an unprecedented rate.
Luckily, we had a good story to tell: The business was growing at an unprecedented rate.
2018 Must Read: The Same Framework Silicon Valley and «Shark Tank» Companies Use to Rapidly Grow Their Businesses in Unprecedented Rate!
The Ethereum ecosystem is spreading throughout the globe at an unprecedented rate.
As crowdfunding accelerates at an unprecedented rate, it's impacting government policy, informing enterprise innovation and changing the role of financial institutions around the world.
He's repeatedly trumpeted his administration's firm hand in battling the Islamic State, including dropping bombs on the terrorist group at an unprecedented rate.
The digitization of the global business economy has been taking place at an unprecedented rate.
«Smart» money is dumping shares at an unprecedented rate and really smart money is getting extremely net short and / or loading up on gold (it was revealed yesterday in an SEC filing that Soros Funds made gold its largest holding).
Heroin, oxycontin, and similar drugs are killing Americans at an unprecedented rate, now so high that opioids have surpassed gun homicides and car accidents among the leading causes of death.
But without these Bible Belt trappings, Christianity is exploding at unprecedented rates — as in, 300 percent growth in 20 years.
It can cause massive internal bleeding and is spreading throughout Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea infecting hundreds of people at an unprecedented rate.
But for pro-lifers throughout the United States, it marked another exhibit in a hopeful trend — abortion centers are shutting down at an unprecedented rate.
From ensuring food safety and extending shelf life, to providing even heating, barrier protection, ease of use, resealability and superb printability, the industry continues to advance at an unprecedented rate.
Farmers cultivating rice on 12 million hectares of flood - prone areas in India are planting flood - tolerant rice varieties at unprecedented rates, thanks to faster seed multiplication, targeted dissemination, and linking of partners.
Humans are now changing the Earth's climate at an unprecedented rate.
The sports nutrition market is growing at an unprecedented rate.
The global drinks market is changing at an unprecedented rate with consumption swings and market preferences both unpredictable and surprising.
«As Asia's population continues to grow and to urbanize at unprecedented rates, food insecurity in the region could worsen unless action is taken now.
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