Sentences with phrase «unprecedented resolution»

The technology enabled the scientists to see the herpes virus with unprecedented resolution, which in turn allowed them to create a 3 - D atomic model of the virus.
In a new study, researchers recorded these movements with unprecedented resolution, revealing how the molecules interact with one another.
The NMR provided unprecedented resolution of the aluminum oxide support, which allowed the team to identify aluminum atoms with certain properties.
«If we are successful, the tiny size and massive scale of this device could provide the opportunity for transformational interfaces to the brain, including direct interfaces to the visual cortex that would allow patients who have lost their sight to discriminate complex patterns at unprecedented resolutions.
Many improvements have been made in the past to create state - of - the - art techniques capable of achieving unprecedented resolution and sensitivity albeit their cost, which drastically increases with quality and versatility, making them quite unavailable for general applications.
Remijan and his colleagues are salivating over the scientific potential of the Atacama Large Millimeter / submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile, a network of 66 radio dishes that will provide unprecedented resolution and sensitivity when it becomes fully operational in late 2012.
«Cryo - electron microscopy achieves unprecedented resolution using new computational methods: Researchers develop first 3 - D atomic - scale model of P22 virus that identifies the protein interactions crucial for its stability.»
Because the light signal of the probes is emitted in the far - red spectrum, it is easy to isolate from background noise, which generates images of unprecedented resolution when used with a technique called super-resolution microscopy.
Moreover, utilizing a clever imaging system, Golde was able to obtain so - called dynamic maps with unprecedented resolution somewhat smaller than the precursors.
«The advanced nano - focussed x-ray beam at ESRF has not only allowed us to locate the site of action of our novel Organo - Osmium FY26 candidate drug in cancer cells at unprecedented resolution, but also study the movement of natural metals such as zinc and calcium in cells.
«This technique produces surface deformation maps with unprecedented resolution and accuracy,» Shirzaei explained.
Speaking to these interests in 1947, Rothko characterized art as «an unknown adventure in an unknown space» that must provoke «a revelation, an unexpected and unprecedented resolution of an eternally familiar need.»
The unprecedented resolution passed with 98.8 per cent support.
In 2013, a 1.2 - tonne spacecraft called Chang «e-3 landed on the Moon, delivering a rover that used ground - penetrating radar to measure the lunar subsurface with unprecedented resolution.
Experimentally resolving the tiny delays in the photoemission process required timing the emission event, i.e. the moment when the electron leaves the material, with an unprecedented resolution of 10 - 17 seconds.
«Visualization of newly formed synapses with unprecedented resolution: Researchers optimized a spatiotemporally controlled method to induce, visualize synapse formation in cortical neurons.»
In two newly - published studies, the researchers examined — with unprecedented resolution — the brain circuits responsible for the differences in the way the brain responds to visual food cues during hunger versus satiety.
Thanks to DataViva, people anywhere in the world now have the ability to point their browsers to Brazil's public data and explore the Brazilian economy at an unprecedented resolution.
Publishing in Nature Methods, EPFL scientists have exploited the properties of a new fluorescent molecule, also developed at EPFL, to generate two powerful probes for the imaging of the cytoskeleton with unprecedented resolution.
The new research was made possible by the team's development of a global river map with unprecedented resolution and detail, showing all waterways of the world from small creeks to the largest of rivers, accounting for a cumulative river length of 48.3 million km — and by a new map of future dam locations assembled by colleagues at the Leibniz - Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in Berlin.
This unprecedented resolution allows OCO - 2 to measure CO2 more accurately in cloudy areas such as the tropics, says Annmarie Eldering, OCO - 2's deputy project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.
But in a new study published online in Nature Genetics, a research team led by J.J. Emerson, assistant professor of ecology & evolutionary biology at the Ayala School of Biological Sciences, applies new methods of genome analysis to identify these complex mutations with unprecedented resolution.
This unprecedented resolution could help evaluate drug candidates, Subramaniam says.
With ALMA's unprecedented resolution and sensitivity, the research team was able to image the far more abundant cold dust, which glows brightly in millimetre and submillimetre light.
The three antennas observing in unison for the first time allowed the ALMA team to correct errors that can arise when only two antennas are used, thus paving the way for precise images of the cool Universe at unprecedented resolution.
With the unprecedented resolution now possible, it's a very exciting time - we simply don't know what we'll discover next about our planet.»
«With the unprecedented resolution now possible, it's a very exciting time — we simply don't know what we'll discover next about our planet.»
Genomic sequencing technology has allowed us to detect genetic structure at an unprecedented resolution.
Cryptic species vs populations of the same species Genomic sequencing technology has allowed us to detect genetic structure at an unprecedented resolution.
In addition to the unprecedented resolution of this imaging technique, another major step forward lies in it not exposing X-rays to patients.
Now, thanks to brighter light emitting dyes, faster and more sensitive detectors, automation technology and computing capacity that can handle storing vast amounts of image data, it is possible for scientists to probe the molecular mechanisms of life at unprecedented resolutions.
«With its unprecedented resolution and sensitivity, ALMA showed us the detailed structure of the clouds,» said Ando, the lead author of the research paper published in the Astrophysical Journal.
That's an unprecedented resolution from a tablet this size — or any size (the current - generation iPad has a PPI of 264, while the iPad mini is stuck at a sad 163.
When it comes to the 7 - inch field, Barnes & Noble's new Nook HD offers the unprecedented resolution of 1400 x 900 and comes in at $ 199 for 8 GB of on - board storage.
We'll learn about the ground - breaking new microprocessor at the heart of the PS3, the powerful graphics processor that supports hi - def graphics at unprecedented resolutions and the console's controller makeover, among other things.
In their 2015 Science paper, Rhodes et al. presented an ice core methane record of unprecedented resolution, which showed rapid emissions of methane in response to Heinrich events.
Solar observations by the small explorer spacecraft IRIS, a NASA mission launched last June, reveal a wealth of violent eruptions at unprecedented resolution.
This unprecedented resolution was followed by another recent breakthrough: the formation of the bipartisan House Climate Solutions Caucus, co-chaired by U.S. Rep. Carlos Curbelo, R - Fla., and U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch, D - Fla.
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