Sentences with word «untaxed»

The word "untaxed" means that something is not subject to paying taxes. Full definition
Ann would previously have been entitled to a $ 2,000 offset for the $ 20,000 untaxed element of the reversionary pension that she includes in her assessable income.
Tax credits can further increase the amount of untaxed income.
Distributions will count as untaxed income on the FAFSA, affecting the subsequent year's federal student aid eligibility.
NEW YORK, NY — Retailers caught and found guilty of selling untaxed cigarettes in New York State risk losing other state - issued licenses, including lottery and alcohol sales.
The main problem with this approach is the distributions count as untaxed income on next year's FAFSA, reducing eligibility for need - based financial aid.
MANHATTAN — Gov. David Paterson said the mayor's suggestion that he get himself «a cowboy hat and a shotgun» to prevent Native Americans from selling untaxed cigarettes was «inappropriate» given the tenseness of a state crackdown on reservations.
A new Internal Revenue Code (IRC) provision introduced by the TCJA is Section 965, which provides for a transition tax on untaxed foreign earnings of certain specified foreign corporations as if those earnings had been repatriated to the US.
A rollover from another fund is not included in the assessable income of your fund, unless the rollover amount includes an element untaxed in the fund.
How tax applies to your super benefits depends on a number of factors, such as your age and whether your super comes from a taxed or untaxed source.
You may also be able to lower the tax tab on gains from investments held in taxable accounts by investing in stock index funds and tax - managed funds that that generate much of their return in the form of unrealized long - term capital gains, which go untaxed until you sell and then are taxed at generally lower long - term capital gains rates.
Permanent or lifetime insurance policies are designed to leave a lump sum of untaxed money behind.
The bill would take currently untaxed profits of US companies being stored abroad — profits that would normally be taxed at a 35 percent rate upon being brought back to the US — and tax them at new ultra-low rates: 8 percent for profits invested in real estate and other hard assets abroad, and 15.5 percent for profits in cash and stock and other liquid assets.
If you do need to access your retirement savings before the age of 59.5 you'll most likely be subject to a 10 % penalty on previously untaxed funds, contributions and earnings.
You'll owe taxes on the previously untaxed amount of your IRA that's converted.
«@FilmCriticOne You say u want tax reform, but ur willing2let value grow untaxed through deferral?
Currently, the company is also hosting $ 21.4 billion in offshore accounts, which remain untaxed by the U.S. government.
The death benefit from a life insurance policy is usually untaxed because the assets left behind by the deceased seldom exceed federal estate tax exemption, currently set at $ 11.2 - 22.4 million, depending on the deceased marital status.
If you're aged 55 − 59, or a public servant with untaxed super, you may pay some tax.
The total, about $ 88,000, would leave them with $ 77,500 per year after 13 % tax a year including untaxed TFSA payouts.
The university owns a significant amount of untaxed land within Syracuse, meaning city taxpayers bear the price of providing fire and police protection, public works and other municipal services.
All stock bought with untaxed income.
This means that the funds can grow untaxed until the time they are withdrawn — essentially allowing the money to grow exponentially over time.
The only untaxed portion to you would be the original $ 5000.
US companies have $ 2.5 trillion of untaxed cash overseas, according to Citi.
Untaxed compound interest over long periods is one of the few blessings inherent in a 401 (k) plan.
If you currently don't have any income or if you receive only untaxed income, you can indicate that on the online or paper application.
The only way to keep this unproductive debt overhead solvent is to inflate asset prices more — by untaxing assets to leave more revenue to pay bankers on exponentially growing debts.
Bringing the Seattle - based company closer to the nation's seat of power could be a competitive advantage for Amazon, with growing calls to regulate tech monopolies, billions of dollars in untaxed offshore stockpiles at stake and the habit some tech companies have of getting into hot water for operating on the fringes of state and federal rules.
It's scandalous that here in Britain short flights are left completely untaxed when there are greener ways to travel.
constitutionally protected funds or other untaxed funds that would not include the contribution in assessable income
Add in a giant untaxed TFSA and that might be all they'd need in retirement.
One is that it can be tax efficient since the nominal principal is left untaxed.
Additionally, I recently saw that a significant number of State retirees recieve their retirement checks in places like Florida, Arizona, etc. thus taking any residual impact to local economies out of state along with those retirement, untaxed dollars paid by NYS taxpayers.
Section 480 (j)(2) specifies that untaxed distributions from qualified education plans are not treated as estimated financial assistance or resources that reduce aid eligibility dollar for dollar.
In Canada, our tax system tries to integrate our personal and corporate tax systems on the assumption that distributions from firms, such as income - trust payments and dividends, will be taxed when they are paid to individuals — but those distributions are increasingly untaxed.
That allows businesses to pass through untaxed profits to individuals who include them in their own tax returns, paying rates that vary from as low as 10 percent to as high as 39.6 percent.
The total amount of untaxed inheritance for married couples and civil partnerships will be raised from # 300,000 to # 600,000.
The U.K. is rolling out cameras at gas stations that will automatically stop uninsured or untaxed vehicles from being filled with fuel.
A widespread federal investigation into untaxed tobacco sales prompted a Wednesday raid on an Irving retail outlet on Seneca Nation of Indians territory.
An electric motor / gasoline V6 / CVT combo actually makes a lot of sense in a 4,600 - pound vehicle like this; the electric motor keeps the V6 relatively untaxed on takeoff, providing for smooth and quiet acceleration.
This is important for single, widowed, separated or divorced taxpayers, who must add untaxed RRSP and RRIF accumulations to income in year of death.
It is no coincidence that large Chinese and Indian companies have been able to use their vast protectionist, locally unregulated and generally untaxed local markets as a springboard to conquer globally.
DIY «sweat equity» (also untaxed) is likewise impossible in a rental.
it is the accumulation of vast amounts of untaxed church property....
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