Sentences with word «unvaccinated»

The word "unvaccinated" means not having received a vaccination, which is a shot or medicine that helps protect against certain diseases. So, when someone is described as unvaccinated, it means they have not had that shot and are not protected against those diseases. Full definition
Having large numbers of unvaccinated dogs and cats roaming around also leads to illness and disease running rampant.
It is relatively common in unvaccinated cats and is often fatal,
Do nt even get us started on the myth that millions of unvaccinated children in 3rd world countries die every year.
A study on Lyme Disease in dogs in Connecticut in 2005 showed similar proportions with 63 % of unvaccinated dogs becoming infected, compared with 25 % of vaccinated dogs.
Unfortunately, rabies is always fatal for unvaccinated animals, usually occurring within 7 to 10 days from when the initial symptoms began.
Sudden death can also occur within a matter of hours, particularly in infected, unvaccinated puppies puppies, with no previous signs.
The study completely fails to mention feral cats are wild animals, and the «16 percent of people treated for rabies after being exposed to the virus from cats» are likely primarily unvaccinated pet cats because feral cats are truly wild animals, and are no easier to capture and handle than deer or foxes.
Do not put him on the ground in public places that may have been frequented by unvaccinated adult dogs until he is at least three months old and current with his vaccinations.
She also hit out at the Government's successful «no jab, no pay» program, accusing the government of «blackmailing» parents by withholding welfare payments for unvaccinated children.
It is recommended to keep your puppy away from unvaccinated dogs while the vaccination process is going on and away from places of multiple dog exposure, if vaccination status of all dogs is not known.
If unvaccinated cat bites person, prolonged quarantine required.
Dr. Anne Schuchat, director of the National Center for Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases told The Daily Beast, «The current increase in measles cases is being driven by unvaccinated people, primarily U.S. residents, who got measles in other countries, brought the virus back to the United States and spread to others in communities where many people are not vaccinated»...
In very severe cases (usually with unvaccinated puppies) even death is possible.
Moreover, Images of unvaccinated kids who were sick with diseases prevented by the vaccineactually led to an uptick in the number of people who said they thought vaccines cause autism.
Using a mouse model of atherosclerosis, Ley inoculated animals with the vaccine and observed approximately 50 % less plaque in their arteries compared to arteries from unvaccinated mice.
Many of those cases were among unvaccinated individuals, according to the CDC.
playing with to an older unvaccinated child is a risk for exposure.
An additional four kittens were kept as unvaccinated controls with no contact with the vaccinated kittens.
PEP for previously unvaccinated persons consists of a regimen of one dose of rabies immune globulin and five doses of rabies vaccine over a 28 - day period
We're about unvaccinated horses that are going to spread diseases to other horses,» she said.
If other unvaccinated cats come in contact with the kitten the first vaccine should be administered earlier.
(Animal vaccines are licensed based on challenge — considered the only true test of protective immunity — where unvaccinated animals are infected with a virus to manifest clinical illness and vaccinated animals remain healthy.)
The window of fatal disease opportunity in young unvaccinated pets is constantly changing.
STIs are associated with lower fertility, but vaccinated women with an STI history had about the same chance of becoming pregnant as unvaccinated women who had never had an STI.
The infection is highly contagious among unvaccinated cats, usually kittens and young adult cats living in groups.
Because plenty of pets go unvaccinated against «core» vaccines, too.
As a matter of fact, the mortality rate of canine distemper can be as high as 100 percent especially in unvaccinated populations.
Once all 5 unvaccinated control dogs showed very early clinical signs of rabies virus infection, they were humanely euthanized.
These figures are alarming policy - makers, who fear that vaccination rates may fall below the threshold where even unvaccinated people are protected.
In pockets of the population where children remain unvaccinated, the disease can run rampant and gain entry into a larger percentage of the population.
They also help control morbidity and mortality in unvaccinated infected mice, while helping eliminate S. Typhimurium in vaccinated mice.
Like parvo, canine distemper is a highly contagious, devastating disease that affects unvaccinated dogs and puppies.
We recommend testing any new unvaccinated kittens for feline leukemia and FIV, these are terminal contagious illnesses in cats that are eventually fatal.
Clinical trials that would withhold vaccination for a control group are not ethical, and observational studies that track differences among those who are vaccinated and those who are not have been suspected of bias (i.e., people left unvaccinated may be too frail compared to the vaccinated general population).
Unvaccinated domestic pets are also susceptible through saliva during a bite from an infected animal.
According to a study in Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeudics, the parents of unvaccinated infants tend to be white, married, over 30, college - educated, and living in a household with an income of more than $ 75,000 a year.
Four unvaccinated monkeys did, researchers report in the Aug. 19 Science Translational Medicine.
Critically, the infectious period of unvaccinated birds infected with our two most virulent strains was less than a week because hosts died so rapidly.
Keep unvaccinated puppies and dogs away from other dogs until they complete their shot schedule.
Parvovirus deaths typically occur in an environment with a large throughput of young animals, especially unvaccinated animals, therefore rescue kennels and pet shops are where parvovirus is most often encountered.
a 10 - year - old unvaccinated Quarter Horse gelding from Lincoln County has an unknown health status
In dogs, there is a correlation between autoimmune hemolytic anemia and vaccination (Dodds, 1985; Duval and Giger, 1996), and an ongoing study at Purdue University has found that vaccinated dogs, but not unvaccinated controls, have formed antibodies to their own cells (Larry T. Glickman, DVM, «Weighing the Risks and Benefits of Vaccination,» Advances in Veterinary Medicine, Vol.
If you suspect that your horse has influenza, it is extremely important that your horse is isolated because transmission between unvaccinated individuals can be up to 100 %.
But that aside, why do unvaccinated kids not die when they get a disease bit vaccinated ones do?
Delivered intranasally, urumin protected unvaccinated mice against a lethal dose of some flu viruses.
We are also recommending that any dogs visiting dog parks or other areas in which unvaccinated dogs may be present should receive the Canine Influenza -LSB-...]
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