Sentences with phrase «yearly tests»

Most vets recommend yearly testing for heartworm in dogs older than 6 months, usually in late spring.
To ensure that the risk of accidental fire is reduced, it is vital that schools have in place a five yearly test of electrical installations in order to identify possible electrical problems.
We recommend yearly tests on all animals as part of their wellness exam.
If those continuing to insist on forced yearly testing are doing so because they do not trust state and local officials to work towards equal opportunity, that is understandable.
This is the most basic wellness program, and provides the normal yearly testing along with comprehensive blood tests to closely monitor your pet's health.
Although we highly recommend yearly testing for any dog who has had a break in heartworm prevention, pets who have been on uninterrupted heartworm prevention are still encouraged to test yearly.
However, charters must comply with all state regulations, offering at least 180 days of instruction and yearly testing of students in grades 3 - 8 and grade 11.
Her team of one graduate student and approximately 15 undergraduates does yearly testing for nine area schools — Arlington, Brookings, Castlewood, Deubrook, Elkton, Estelline, Lake Preston, Oldham - Ramona and Sioux Valley.
In yearly tests of over 240 dog breeds by the American Temperament Testing Society (ATTS), pit bulls consistently achieve a passing rate that's as good or better than the other most popular breeds.
In 2001, No Child Left Behind, the last major federal education reform, mandated yearly testing in the basics of reading and math for children in third through eighth grades.
It primarily infects dogs, cats and ferrets and is potentially fatal; however, it is almost 100 % preventable with yearly testing and proper use of heartworm preventive medications.
While the federal government still would require yearly testing, the results could be used only as a guide to see how students are faring.
If we narrow education to the mechanics of math and reading as captured by yearly testing, we short - change the broader knowledge that is the key to academic success later.
One of Duncan's biggest allies in Congress on yearly testing is Democratic Sen. Patty Murray, the ranking member on the Senate HELP Committee.
Yearly testing at the Southeast Research Center near Beresford, South Dakota, has not yet identified any nematicide seed treatments that have increased soybean yields, according to Byamukama.
A person at risk of developing HD may experience no symptoms for many years, but imagine if a simple yearly test could give an indication of brain health, the way blood pressure does for the heart.
Since the mid-1990s, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) has required all districts to submit data that include demographic information, attendance rates, and behavioral outcomes, yearly test scores in math and reading for grades 3 through 8, and subject - specific tests for higher grades.
In 2011, the five yearly testing cycle for PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) came in to alignment with the four - year cycle for TIMSS, allowing countries who were participating in both of these international studies to gain comprehensive information about the achievement of their fourth grade students in three core curriculum areas - reading, mathematics and science.
This includes annual examinations, vaccinations, and routine yearly testing including heartworm and Lyme disease.
Responsible for executing and documenting yearly testing of all fire alarm systems on BJU campus
You dutifully give your dog heartworm preventives every month, so you don't need to do yearly tests, right?
The federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), which mandated yearly testing and public reporting of schools» results in grades 3 - 8 and once in high school, was written in part to respond to these issues.
NEA will continue to push the president and Congress to completely overhaul ESEA and end mandates that require yearly testing, and to lift mandates requiring states to administer outdated tests that aren't aligned to school curricula.
«If we narrow education to the mechanics of math and reading as captured by yearly testing,» Greene concludes, «we short - change the broader knowledge that is the key to academic success later.»
We recommend yearly testing your pet for heartworms, this involves a small amount of blood drawn to evaluate if there are circulating Microfiliaria (immature forms of heartworms that circulate the blood stream) on microscopic examination, we will also use a heartworm snap test which tests for adult heartworms present in your pet.
Prevention, even with yearly testing, is a fraction of the cost of treatment for heartworm disease.
Yearly testing for dogs is also necessary to ensure that treatment will never have to be a necessity for these important companions and family members.
Yearly testing of your pet's fecal (poop) sample is recommended to evaluate for possible infections with intestinal parasites.
They also had yearly tests for an average of two years.
So while I have health insurance, I generally avoid my doctor outside the yearly testing window, and each time I go, I feel like she's trying to get me on drugs, so unless I know exactly what to ask for or have some kind of serious problem, I stick to the basics of the blood tests and try to do everything I can to stay healthy.
This includes state - level teacher evaluation, report card, or school ranking policies that rely heavily on summative assessments; but also the federal ESEA's emphasis on once - yearly tests that shaped state policy with the induction of No Child Left Behind.
The federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), which mandated yearly testing and public reporting of schools» results in grades three through eight and once in high school, was written in part to respond to these issues.
Yearly testing will allow states to make sure that all student subgroups are demonstrating academic success and will make it easier to identify low performing schools and schools that demonstrate measurable growth from year to year.
Since performance pay is based on academic achievement, it is dependent on students performing well on a yearly test or end - of - course assessments.
Therefore, what is even the point of yearly testing that attempts to isolate skills from the actual curriculum taught?
But let's not cut public school programs, fail the students with dyslexia on a yearly test, and let unproven outside schools take over — not without making them accountable too!
So all of this causes teachers and administrators to perhaps assist students more than they should with the yearly tests that are administered.
Education Secretary Arne Duncan and civil rights groups were tugging from the opposite side, demanding the law retain its yearly testing regime and do more to ensure states and schools focus on educating low - income students.
It gives me a peace of mind that he will be prepared when we do our yearly testing.
The Leadership Conference Education Fund found that 70 percent of Hispanic and 71 percent of African - American parents felt that it was «very important» for schools to use «yearly testing to help parents and teachers know how well children are doing» in their academic progress.
But there is one category of vehicle we've seen slowly slip away over the years when it was once a regular feature in our yearly test: the turbocharged, rally - inspired homologation special.
Regardless of what method of prevention you choose, yearly testing is recommended to make sure your pet is free from tick borne diseases.
Yearly testing should be performed on every cat that goes outdoors or has exposure to an FIV positive cat
Due to a growing a growing concern about Lyme disease in our area, we are now recommending a yearly test that screens for both canine heartworm disease and exposure to Lyme disease.
This emphasizes the need for yearly testing.
At NEAH we recommend a yearly test to evaluate your dog for the presence of Lyme disease.
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