Sentences with phrase «yr trend»

Please note that the 30 yr trend between 1910 and 1940 is very close to identical to the trend between 1970 and 2000.
Rejects the null hypothesis that the latest observed 20 - yr and 30 - yr trend of near - surface temperature (ending in 1994) is part of natural variability with a risk of less than 2.5 % to 5 %
In essence they intentionally inserted a 0.25 mm / yr trend into the MSL.
The values for the 10 - yr trend for each dataset are plotted on the chart directly above the value on the horizontal axis labeled 1999.
And using Church & White tidal gauge data (which today only runs to 2013 but AR5 had data to 2009), the final years are running above 4mm / yr while such 11 - yr trends calculated through the full record never top 3mm / yr.
Also, any comments on CRU showing the lowest 17 - yr trend in almost three decades?
Morner argues that we should treat the unadjusted TOPEX / Posiedon trends of roughly 0 mm / yr as the actual instrumental record, rather than using the +3 mm / yr trends of the adjusted estimates.
Using the RSS data, which Santer used in determining his 17 - yr minimum time needed for a human global warming signal, the most recent 17 - yr trend is the lowest in the entire data series.
«Using the [cherry flavored &; >) RSS data, which Santer used in determining his 17 - yr minimum time needed for a human global warming signal, the most recent 17 - yr trend is the lowest in the entire data series.»
It also means that for say, the 50 yr trend (1946 — 2006) you can get a distribution of trend values.
Some work by Clara Deser et al. shows that for some diagnostics (e.g., regional sea level pressure 50 - yr trends, wintertime western U.S temperature, etc) that the sensitivity of trends in their decadal statistics to initial conditions can compete with the sensitivity of those same statistics in responses to increases in GHGs.
Nobody could accuse you of drawing conclusions from a too - short trend, but just maybe a > 100 yr trend is not that relevant?
The pattern in this particular 50 - yr trend in the control is qualitatively similar to the generic very low frequency variability in this particular model, with maximum amplitudes in the subpolar oceans.
Since the 15 yr trend is 1 C per century, and satellite trend for 30 years is about 1.5 C per century, can someone tell me what the problem is?
Temps 1850 to date broke into 30 yr trends.
GISStemp and Hadcrut show a 25 yr trend of 0.19 and 0.18 per decade which appear to be slightly lower than Scenario C (which are about.1 deg C lower than in 2007).
Scenario B shows a 25 yr trend of 0.27 deg C / decade.
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