Definition of «accurate representation»

An accurate representation is a depiction or portrayal that accurately reflects the characteristics, qualities and features of something or someone. It means presenting an honest, truthful and precise account or image of a person, place, thing or idea without any distortion, exaggeration or manipulation. In other words, it is a fair and just representation that does not mislead or deceive the viewer/reader in anyway. An accurate representation helps to provide an honest perspective and allows people to make informed decisions based on facts rather than assumptions or false impressions.

Sentences with «accurate representation»

  • Not only can it help style the outfit, but having something like your own heels will give a more accurate representation of what your dress will look like on the day. (
  • We will explain each of them through out the book, so revisit this calculator after reading to give yourself a better and more accurate representation of how much you'll need. (
  • We need to get out and meet with our learners, or as accurate a representation of the population as we can. (
  • (see all sentences)
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