Definition of «ark»

An ark is a large, wooden box or chest used for storage or transportation. In religious contexts, an ark refers to the boat built by Noah in the biblical story of the great flood as a means of saving his family and animals from destruction.

Usage examples

  1. The Noah's Ark was built as a huge vessel to save pairs of animals from a great flood.
  2. The children learned about different animals and their habitats during their trip to the local ark.
  3. The archaeological team uncovered an ancient ark used by a civilization from thousands of years ago.
  4. The sailor successfully docked the large ark at the port after a long and challenging journey.
  5. The wildlife conservation organization built an ark in the national park to protect endangered species.
  6. In the video game, players have to navigate through challenging puzzles and obstacles to reach the ark and complete the level.
  7. The local church organized a fundraising event to support the construction of a community ark for disaster preparedness.
  8. The teacher organized a school field trip to the history museum where the students saw replicas of ancient arks used by various cultures.

Phrases with «ark»

Sentences with «ark»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z