Definition of «character»

The term character refers to the qualities, habits or traits that define a person's nature and disposition. It encompasses various aspects such as moral integrity, ethical values, behavior patterns, individuality, and personal attributes that shape an individual’s actions and reactions in different situations. In essence, character is what makes someone who they are - their unique set of qualities, beliefs, and principles that guide them through life.

Usage examples

  1. In fiction writing, character development is crucial to create well-rounded and believable individuals within the story.
  2. In video games, players often have the choice to customize their character's appearance, abilities, and skills.
  3. When analyzing a novel, literary scholars pay close attention to the different traits and motivation of each character to understand their role in the overall plot.
  4. Actors often undergo extensive research and preparation to fully embody the character they are portraying in a film or play.
  5. The protagonist's charismatic and endearing character made him a favorite among readers, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.
  6. In coding, a character can refer to any single element in a string of text, such as a letter, number, symbol, or blank space.
  7. Fictional characters like Sherlock Holmes and Harry Potter have become iconic and are recognized worldwide.

Sentences with «character»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z