Definition of «drink»

The plain meaning of the word "drink" refers to a liquid that is consumed by humans for hydration or enjoyment. It can be water, juice, soda, tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages, or any other liquid that people consume through ingestion.

Usage examples

  1. I need to drink more water throughout the day to stay hydrated.
  2. She prefers to drink coffee in the morning to wake herself up.
  3. They decided to drink tea instead of soda to reduce their sugar intake.
  4. The doctor advised him to drink plenty of fluids while recovering from the flu.
  5. Don't forget to drink your milk before bed to get calcium for strong bones.
  6. I like to drink a protein shake after my workout to help with muscle recovery.
  7. We can go to the bar and drink some cocktails to celebrate the special occasion.
  8. She ordered a refreshing lemonade to drink with her lunch at the outdoor café.
  9. In hot weather, it's important to drink sports drinks to replace lost electrolytes.

Sentences with «drink»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z