Definition of «ending»

The term ending can refer to a variety of meanings depending on the context in which it is used.

In general, an ending refers to something that comes at the end or conclusion of something else. For example, the ending of a book or movie refers to the final events and resolutions of the storyline. In this sense, "ending" can also be used as a noun to describe the last few pages or scenes of a narrative work.

In addition, "ending" can also refer to an outcome or result, such as in the phrase "a happy ending." This usage implies that something has come to a conclusion and ended positively.

Finally, "ending" can be used more broadly to describe the state of something coming to an end or termination. For example, the ending of a war refers to the time when hostilities cease and peace is established.

Usage examples

  1. The story had an unexpected ending, leaving the readers shocked and intrigued.
  2. We need to find a solution before the project's deadline, as we are quickly approaching the ending.
  3. The movie's ending was heartwarming and brought tears to everyone's eyes.
  4. She couldn't concentrate on her work because she kept thinking about the impending ending of her favorite TV series.
  5. The ending of the novel was ambiguous, leaving room for interpretation and discussion.
  6. The race had an intense ending, with the two competitors reaching the finish line almost simultaneously.
  7. The summer vacation is fast approaching its ending, and soon we will have to return to school.
  8. The concert had a grand ending with fireworks and confetti, leaving the audience in awe.
  9. The book's ending was bittersweet, as the protagonist achieved their goal but had to sacrifice something dear to them.
  10. The movie had a surprising twist at the ending, completely changing the viewers' perception of the plot.

Sentences with «ending»

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