Definition of «evaporation»

Evaporation is a process in which liquid water turns into vapor or gas, due to heat and other factors. It occurs when the temperature of a substance is high enough to overcome the forces holding molecules together, causing them to break free and enter the surrounding air as a gas. Evaporation plays an important role in various natural processes such as transpiration (water loss from plants), precipitation (formation of clouds) and water cycle.

Usage examples

  1. The sun's heat causes the evaporation of water on the surface of lakes and rivers, which then forms clouds in the atmosphere.
  2. When you boil water on a stove, you can see the process of evaporation as the water turns into steam and rises into the air.
  3. The evaporation of sweat from your skin helps to cool down your body in hot weather.
  4. During the water cycle, evaporation occurs when water from oceans, lakes, and rivers turns into vapor and enters the atmosphere.
  5. In deserts, where the temperature is high and precipitation is low, evaporation is a significant process that influences the scarcity of water resources.
  6. When wet clothes are hung outside to dry, evaporation takes place as the water in the clothes turns into vapor and is released into the air.
  7. In the field of agriculture, evaporation rates are measured to determine the water needs of crops and ensure efficient irrigation practices.
  8. Evaporative coolers, also known as swamp coolers, use the process of evaporation to lower the temperature of the air in hot and dry climates.
  9. Evaporation is an essential step in the production of salt, where seawater is left to evaporate, leaving behind the crystallized salt.

Sentences with «evaporation»

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