Definition of «foible»

A foible is a weakness or a peculiarity in someone's character, behavior, or judgment that can be amusing or embarrassing. It refers to a person's odd or eccentric habit, fault, or shortcoming.

Usage examples

  1. She is known for her foible of always arriving late to meetings.
  2. His foible is his obsession with keeping everything perfectly organized.
  3. One of his foibles is that he cannot resist buying new gadgets even though he barely uses them.
  4. Her foible of always interrupting people while they speak often irritates her friends.
  5. His foible of becoming easily flustered in stressful situations often hinders his performance at work.
  6. The politician's foible of making long, rambling speeches without any substantial content is widely criticized by the public.
  7. Her foible of always double-checking her work before submitting it shows her attention to detail.
  8. One of his foibles is his tendency to crack jokes in inappropriate situations, often causing discomfort to others.
  9. The professor's foible of constantly forgetting her own lecture notes adds an element of unpredictability to her classes.
  10. Despite his talent, his foible of being overly self-critical prevents him from fully showcasing his abilities.
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