Definition of «freak»

The term "freak" is often used as a pejorative to describe someone or something that deviates from what is considered normal, acceptable or conventional. It can be used in various contexts such as referring to an unusual physical characteristic, behavior or skill, and implies that the person or thing being described is strange, abnormal or bizarre. In some cases, "freak" may also refer to someone who engages in unconventional lifestyle choices or beliefs, or a fanatical enthusiast of something. However, it can also be used as a term of endearment among friends and family members.

Usage examples

  1. She is a health freak and spends hours in the gym every day.
  2. My little brother is a video game freak and can spend the whole day playing games.
  3. John is a neat freak and cannot stand any mess in his house.
  4. My friend is a history freak and loves visiting museums and reading history books.
  5. Sarah is a travel freak and plans her next vacation the moment she returns from one.
  6. David is a language freak and knows how to speak six different languages.
  7. Lisa is a fashion freak and always keeps up with the latest trends.
  8. Mark is a movie freak and watches every new release on the first day.
  9. Jenny is a coffee freak and has a collection of different coffee beans from around the world.
  10. Robert is a tech freak and eagerly awaits the latest gadgets and technological advancements.

Sentences with «freak»

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