Definition of «inflammatory»

Inflammatory refers to something that is likely to cause or exacerbate inflammation, which is a localized response to injury in which blood vessels dilate and become more permeable, allowing plasma proteins and white cells to enter the injured tissue. This results in redness, heat, swelling, pain, and loss of function. Inflammatory language or rhetoric refers to speech that is designed to provoke anger or aggression, often with the goal of inciting people to take action against a common enemy or threat.

Usage examples

  1. The politician made several inflammatory remarks during the televised debate, sparking heated arguments among the participants.
  2. The newspaper article contained inflammatory language, provoking strong reactions from readers and leading to public outrage.
  3. Some social media users deliberately spread inflammatory posts to incite conflict and divisions within online communities.
  4. The professor warned the students of the potentially inflammatory nature of certain debate topics and encouraged respectful dialogue.
  5. The protest turned violent due to the presence of individuals who purposely made inflammatory statements and incited the crowd.

Sentences with «inflammatory»

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