Definition of «intelligence»

Intelligence refers to the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills, as well as the capacity for reasoning, understanding, learning from experience, problem-solving, decision making, and emotional intelligence. It is often used to describe cognitive abilities that are considered to be important in predicting academic or occupational success, such as IQ tests. However, there are many different theories about what intelligence entails, including the idea that it can also involve social skills, creativity, and emotional intelligence.

Usage examples

  1. Artificial Intelligence: The development of algorithms and computer systems that exhibit intelligence and can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as speech recognition, image classification, and decision making.
  2. Emotional Intelligence: The ability to recognize, understand, and manage emotions in oneself and others, often used in contexts of personal and social relationships, leadership, and effective communication.
  3. Military Intelligence: The gathering, analysis, and interpretation of information about adversaries, enabling strategic decision-making and operational planning in military operations.
  4. Business Intelligence: The process of collecting, analyzing, and presenting data to guide and support business decisions, such as market research, customer behavior analysis, and trend forecasting.
  5. Human Intelligence: The capacity for an individual to acquire knowledge, solve problems, reason, and adapt to new situations, often measured through intelligence tests and assessments.
  6. National Intelligence: The collection and analysis of information related to national security concerns, informing policy and decision-making at the governmental level.
  7. Competitive Intelligence: The systematic and ethical gathering, analysis, and use of information about competitors, customers, and market trends to gain a competitive advantage in business.
  8. Artificial Emotional Intelligence: The development of technologies that recognize and respond to human emotions, enabling machines to interact with people in a more empathetic and emotionally intelligent manner.
  9. Intelligence Community: The network of agencies and organizations responsible for gathering and analyzing information to support national security and defense, such as the CIA, NSA, and FBI.

Sentences with «intelligence»

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