Definition of «loft»

A loft is a large, open space or room on an upper floor or in an attic area. It can also refer to a high or elevated place, such as a lofty tree or mountain peak. In some contexts, it may be used to describe a type of urban residential building that features converted industrial-style spaces with high ceilings and open layouts.

Usage examples

  1. I decided to convert the attic into a loft to create an additional living space in my house.
  2. The artist used the loft as a studio, filling the space with easels, paints, and sculptures.
  3. The trendy apartment complex offers spacious lofts with high ceilings and large windows.
  4. We stored our old furniture in the loft to free up some space in the garage.
  5. The office building transformed an old warehouse into modern lofts for tech startups.
  6. The newlyweds set up a cozy bedroom in the loft of their tiny house.
  7. The industrial loft featured exposed brick walls and an open concept layout.
  8. The fashion designer showcased their latest collection in a chic loft during Fashion Week.
  9. The book lover turned the spare room into a reading loft, filling it with comfortable chairs and bookshelves.
  10. The hotel had a luxurious penthouse loft with panoramic views of the city.

Sentences with «loft»

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