Definition of «pitfall»

A pitfall is a hidden danger or an unexpected obstacle that can lead to failure, disappointment, or trouble. It refers to something that appears harmless on the surface but has the potential to cause harm if not approached with caution. The term comes from traps set in pits dug in the ground to catch animals, and it is often used figuratively to describe a situation where someone falls into an unseen danger or makes a mistake due to lack of foresight.

Usage examples

  1. One common pitfall in business is failing to thoroughly research the market before launching a new product.
  2. Another pitfall to avoid when investing in stocks is putting all your money into a single company, instead of diversifying your portfolio.
  3. When it comes to dieting, a pitfall is relying solely on fad diets instead of adopting a balanced and sustainable approach to eating.
  4. In project management, a pitfall can be underestimating the time and resources required, leading to delays and complications.
  5. In relationships, a common pitfall is not effectively communicating and addressing issues, which can result in misunderstandings and conflicts.
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