Definition of «rung»

A rung is a step, level or stage in a process. It can also refer to one of the horizontal crosspieces on a ladder that provides support for climbing upwards. In a more general sense, it refers to any position within an organization or hierarchy, such as being at the bottom rung of the corporate ladder meaning you are starting from the lowest level in your career.

Usage examples

  1. He climbed up the ladder, careful not to slip on the wet rungs.
  2. She eagerly reached for the next rung of the career ladder, determined to climb higher within the company.
  3. The children squealed with delight as they ran across the monkey bars, hopping from rung to rung.
  4. Despite his fear of heights, he mustered the courage to ascend the rungs of the tall spiral staircase.
  5. As the firefighter ascended the ladder, he could feel the rungs vibrating with each step, intensifying his adrenaline rush.
  6. The old wooden ladder had missing rungs, making it unsafe and unusable.
  7. The promotion to manager was just another rung on his journey towards becoming a successful entrepreneur.
  8. He held onto the bottom rung of the jungle gym, waiting his turn to join in the game of tag.
  9. The rock climber confidently grasped the small rungs, using their size and spaces to ascend the challenging route.
  10. The ladder had different colored rungs, allowing for quick and easy identification in case of emergency.

Sentences with «rung»

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