Definition of «soiled»

The term "soiled" refers to something that is dirty, stained or polluted. It can also mean damaged or harmed in some way. In a more specific context, it may refer to clothing or bedding that has been wet or soiled with bodily fluids such as urine, feces or blood.

Usage examples

  1. After playing in the muddy field, their clothes were completely soiled with dirt and grime.
  2. The restaurant's reputation was soiled after a customer found a cockroach in their soup.
  3. The children returned home from the picnic with soiled hands and faces from eating messy watermelon.
  4. The carpet in the living room was soiled with red wine stains, making it necessary to hire a professional cleaner.
  5. The police found a soiled glove near the crime scene, which became a crucial piece of evidence in solving the case.
  6. The laundry room was a mess with piles of soiled clothes waiting to be washed.
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