Definition of «statistic»

A statistic is a numerical value or data point that represents information about a particular population, event, or phenomenon. Statistics can be used to describe and analyze various aspects of society, such as demographics, health trends, economic indicators, and more. They are often collected through surveys, polls, censuses, or other research methods, and can provide valuable insights into the nature of a particular issue or topic. Statistics can be used to make predictions, identify patterns, and inform decision-making in various fields such as business, science, politics, and more.

Usage examples

  1. The statistic shows that 80% of students in our school participate in extracurricular activities.
  2. According to the latest statistic, the unemployment rate has decreased by 2% in the past quarter.
  3. The statistic indicates that 95% of customers are highly satisfied with our product.
  4. Based on the statistic, the average income of households in this city is $50,000 per year.
  5. The statistic reveals that there has been a significant increase in online shopping, with a 40% rise in sales compared to last year.
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