Definition of «supportive care»

Supportive care refers to a range of medical and nursing interventions that are designed to improve the quality of life for patients who have chronic or advanced illnesses. The goal is to manage symptoms, provide comfort, and address psychological and social needs in order to help patients cope with their disease and maintain their dignity. Supportive care may include pain management, nutritional support, hydration, respite care, emotional support for the patient and family members, and other measures that can improve the patient's overall well-being during treatment. It is an important aspect of palliative care, which focuses on providing comfort to patients with life-threatening illnesses.

Sentences with «supportive care»

  • On the other end of the spectrum, some canine liver diseases can be treated with supportive care such as increased nutritional support through diet or supplements. (
  • Provided supportive care for patient and family, assisted with home set - up for various patient medical needs and maintenance / transport of same. (
  • We provide a wide range of referral services including hospitalization for patients ranging from stable patients needing the most basic of supportive care to the most critical of cases. (
  • (see all sentences)
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