Definition of «tidal heating»

Tidal heating refers to the process by which energy is generated within a celestial body due to gravitational interactions between that body and its satellite. This occurs when the gravitational pull of the moon or another large object causes friction within the planet, leading to an increase in temperature and heat. Tidal heating can also occur on Earth, where the gravitational forces from the Moon cause changes in ocean tides and currents, which generate heat through friction as water moves against the bottom of the sea floor.

Sentences with «tidal heating»

  • Because the crust is lighter than the underlying mantle, gravity signals reveal variations in the thickness of the crust that were caused by tidal heating. (
  • Published in Science in 2010, the earlier study found that the shape of one area of unusual topography on the moon, the lunar farside highlands, was consistent with the effects of tidal heating during the formation of the crust. (
  • The team thinks a combination of fluid and solid tidal heating effects may best explain all the volcanic activity observed on Io. (
  • (see all sentences)
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