Definition of «very clever»

The phrase "very clever" is an expression used to describe someone who has a high level of intelligence, shrewdness or ingenuity. It implies that this person possesses a quick wit and is able to come up with creative solutions to problems. In other words, the phrase suggests that the individual in question is very intelligent and resourceful.

Usage examples

  1. "The magician's trick was very clever, as he made the rabbit disappear right before our eyes."
  2. "The student came up with a very clever solution to the complex math problem, impressing the teacher."
  3. "The businessman's negotiation tactics were very clever, allowing him to secure a profitable deal."
  4. "The detective's deduction skills were very clever, leading him to unravel the mystery."
  5. "The comedian's punchline was very clever, causing the entire audience to burst into laughter."
  6. "The escape artist's stunt was very clever, leaving everyone amazed at how he managed to break free."
  7. "The engineer's design for the new bridge was very clever, ensuring its durability and functionality."
  8. "The writer's plot twist in the novel was very clever, catching readers off guard and keeping them engaged."
  9. "The puzzle designer's game was very clever, challenging players with its intricate clues and solutions."
  10. "The hacker's technique was very clever, allowing them to bypass security systems undetected."
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