Definition of «yardstick»

A yardstick is a measuring tool used to gauge or determine the length, size, or extent of something. It typically consists of a long, thin stick with markings on it that indicate specific units of measurement such as inches, centimeters, or feet. The term can also be used figuratively to refer to any standard by which something is measured or evaluated, such as a yardstick for success or a yardstick for quality.

Usage examples

  1. In evaluating the success of a marketing campaign, we need to use sales figures as a yardstick to measure its effectiveness.
  2. When assessing the financial health of a company, the yardstick might be its profitability and revenue growth.
  3. The yardstick for measuring a student's academic progress can be their grade point average or standardized test scores.
  4. In judging the quality of a product, customer satisfaction surveys can serve as a yardstick.
  5. In determining the success of a team, their win-loss record can be a reliable yardstick.
  6. As a yardstick for measuring employee performance, organizations often use key performance indicators (KPIs) such as productivity, efficiency, or customer satisfaction ratings.
  7. When comparing different job candidates, their level of experience and relevant skills can be a useful yardstick.
  8. In assessing the environmental impact of a manufacturing process, the yardstick might be its carbon footprint or water consumption.
  9. When evaluating the effectiveness of a social program, the yardstick could be the reduction in poverty rates or improvement in educational outcomes.
  10. In determining the effectiveness of a government policy, the yardstick might be its impact on unemployment rates or GDP growth.

Sentences with «yardstick»

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