Sentences with phrase «'s a parent too»

Contrary to popular believe, most leaders (and parents too!)
At Kidfresh, we are parents too!
These are issues that broadly plague the parents too, though their adult kids don't seem to grasp that.
JP: I, being a parent too, agree.
Should we point out all the really bad straight parents too based on your poor logic.
The Catechism does say (1254) that an infant's godparents — and surely by implication his or her parents too — «must be firm believers, able and ready to help the newly baptized... on the road of Christian life.»
They saw that their parents too often treated life as a task, a heavy burden, a labor to be accomplished.
I think it's great that we have such an amazing president, one who can actually see past religious dogma and can stand up to an entire country and say «Gay men are parents too and they should be recognized as such!»
They have also proven gay couples make great parents too.
Wasn't he the one who also put up 2 crosses at Columbine, for the two students «preps», because their parents too were grieving the loss of their sons.
I believe the problem may lay though that Parents too heavily assume the church is doing the right thing and teaching the right way.
My parents too, remember a day when members of both religions lived in harmony and piece, when we were neighbors and neighborly at that.
Paolo explained that when you focus on celebrating children, parents too begin to prioritize them.
It was so different for my parents too.
«A Gift for Baby is a gift for parents too
Not only are the experiences fun for your kids, but they are usually just as enjoyable for you as parents too.
Needless to say the kids (and I am sure I spotted many parents too) go gaga when the Thomas Train song kicked in.
Fun for parents too
Another club with local branches, Holistic Moms does, more or less, the same thing but, is perhaps for those a little greener or for those into alternative parenting too.
Third, it should look great to parents too.
Many parents see this individuation happening in their adolescent children and feel abandoned by the child when they have parented too much in the emotional role and have acted as the child's friend.
We're parents too, and we know how quickly this precious time passes.
According to an article in the Boston Globe, Lancy is concerned that many professionals in the field of child development are promoting a parenting style that involves adult - child play to low - income parents too aggressively.
Rather, we feared it would only be fair to have to have to endure our share of the hardship parents too often face.
Second - time parents too!
(And yes, our experts are parents too.)
There are strollers available for jogging parents too.
Most infants and toddlers are able to successfully eat from both without giving their parents too much grief!
Tens of thousands of hAPPy new parents too.
And for those who don't have children or have conveniently forgotten that their own children pulled the same kind of stunts in public, just remember, they were kids once and did the same things to their parents too!
Though the title might imply otherwise, Playful Parenting deals with the not - so - fun parts of parenting too: tantrums, sibling rivalry, and household chores.
Please share heartwarming moments and happy experiences you have experienced in divorce and shared parenting too!
Well sadly my mom passed away a while back (in fact both my parents are not alive) and hubby is sans parents too.
Approaching it and saying, «Look, you know, I'm a parent too.
Help us to serve other parents too.
Adolescence is a time of transition not just for teens, but for their parents too.
This is all too familiar if you've been a NICU parent too.
Have fun building on this very basic idea and don't forget that these diaper accessories make excellent handmade gifts for new parents too.
There's a lot of wisdom there from other parents too, so check out or add your own tips on our contribution pages.
When trailers came out for Peter Rabbit, I was psyched because not only was it a movie for him to enjoy, but it's funny for parents too (Peter Rabbit's voice is James Corden, so it HAS to be funny)!
We all could use a little Clorox 2 ® for our perfect pairs, and to be honest, for our entire family — parents too.
We learn from other parents too.
Dads are parents too and we need to remember that they are our equal partners.
Potty training is of course part of parenting too.
For parents too there is a covered tray with two cup holders.
However, along with potty training comes the additional parenting too.
I think school nutritionists, and parents too, regularly underestimate kids and their ability to learn to love new foods.
Fliegel has this advice for coaches, and it applies to parents too: «Never say anything negative about one of your players to another player.
You would love to meet his wife, they practice attachment parenting too,» my own husband, Dan, continues excitedly, never giving me a chance to guess.
They are also constructed to be comfortable for the child and the parent too.
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