Sentences with phrase «'s no meaning to life»

Most of the time you may be unaware of the effect of your unconscious mind in assigning meaning to life's events.
You can drop those beliefs with just a little bit of awareness, and live the life you were meant to live.
Instead of getting her relational needs met by her husband, she tried to find them in her son — which, Strauss realized, gave him the idea that monogamy was a smothering, soul - crushing artifact of society, and clearly not the way that he was meant to live.
Tales of graft and officials» high living, including extravagant banquets and expensive rounds on the golf course, have prompted widespread public anger because bureaucrats are meant to live on modest sums and lead morally exemplary lives.
Two thirds of non-retired Canadians (62 %) say they will live comfortably in retirement (32 %), or will have adequate means to live (30 %).
What does that mean to my life and my goals?
Erika Navarro, the granddaughter of Cecilia Franco, 90, and Miguel Antonio Franco, 92, said the medical examiner's ruling confirms what she already knew — that they were meant to live longer.
If you believe in evolution, there are five inescapable consequences if evolution is true: 1) There is no evidence of God 2) There is no life after death 3) There is no foundation for right vs wrong 4) There is no meaning to life and 5) People don't have free will.
I just finished reading a Henri Nouwen book «Wounded Healer» and the following sentence just resonated with me: `... the imitation of Christ does not mean to live a life like Christ, but to live your life as authentically as Christ lived his».
With good reason, millions of people around the world believe that learning about God and obeying him give meaning to life as nothing else can!
Desiring to become part of the modernist project, preachers and theologians accepted the presumption that Christianity is a set of beliefs, a «worldview,» designed to give meaning to our lives.
Some meaning to life beyond just breathing and existing as a component of a series of accidents.
He can't walk or talk, but yet he sings with joy and has meaning to his life.
I believe that those actions have meaning because, when I die, I believe that I will still exist and the ability to give meaning to the life I lived.
It's pretty simple, the «meaning to your life» is while you're alive, not after you die.
Just like that forgotten day, if there is no life after death, then there is no meaning to your life once you die.
But again the by - product of that is we're more indifferent and I think as a consequence, we don't take seriously what it actually means to live in a fallen world.
Reduced to basics, following this path requires wrestling with what it means to live between the ages, taking both ages seriously.
The Catholic Church exists for the worship of God (First three commandments) and is a means to live well and piously (next 7 commandments).
We don't just investigate the world at a scientific level: We also seek to give meaning to our lives, and to connect our own small narratives with the larger narratives of the world around us.
In other places, I write about the gifts that young people bring to the church in terms of really expanding what it means to live a life of faith.
Others have searched for a meaning to their lives and have travelled a long, hard road to find it.
I too and learning what it means to live in love, free from religion.
Neither bring meaning to our lives, or cause real transformation.
[This section] concludes the entire period in which the disciples are to learn what it means to live in the community of Jesus.
Not only does relationship give definition and meaning to life; it ensures biological survival itself.
In such communities people keep faith with the allegiances that give meaning to their lives.
But we are also very good at repressing our memories of pain and agony, so we need to remind ourselves just what it can mean to live in the Valley of the Shadow of Death.
But I have a feeling that if my generation can learn to make this one, vital distinction — the distinction between the power - hungry kingdoms of the world and the humble, grassroots kingdom of God — we will finally get a taste of what it really means to live counter-culturally in all the right ways.
The martyrs, along with the saints, then provide models of what it means to live in the shadow of the world to come.
Through sanctification we begin to understand what it means to live under the rule and reign of God, and we begin to see other people as God sees them, and ourselves as well.
It is but a means to life.
No, they were not savage beasts; they were straight - thinking men who had made violence the supreme value in life, the thing that gave a meaning to life.
Hill has come to see how his struggles are not separate from God's providence for him - they do not disqualify him from living the Christian life and being pleasing to God, but are rather «part and parcel of what it means to live by faith in a world that is fallen and scarred by sin and death».
With the Bishop of Toronto's blessing, she provided for her son and then entered the slums during the Great Depression, meaning to live a Russian - style life of a poustinik (see note at end of article): praying, begging for her own needs and those of the poor, and serving her neighbours however she could.
so who on Earth can possibly live, make decisions, and find meaning to their life without taking some things on faith?
Whatever may or may not be believed about other consequences of prayer, there is not the slightest doubt that in giving direction and meaning to life, prayer matters.
All this means that the Church will often have conflicting understandings of what it means to live as God's people in a particular location or cultural setting.
Endorsed by Ann Voskamp, Mary Karr, Sarah Bessey and Yours Truly, Found opens a door to Benedictine spirituality through which regularly, busy people can enter and taste, see, smell, hear, and feel what it means to live life as prayer.
The following centuries of monastic experimentation gave them deep insights into humility, and into the great theological virtues of faith, hope and charity, They understood the Gospels to be saying that we are meant for great things — meant to live in imitation of Christ himself.
Eliot knew of only one alternative: a vigorous rediscovery of what it means to live Christianly.
«We Were Meant to Live» got lots of radio play, and the tracks on Learning to Breathe were more tuneful, but «Dare You to Move» captured the band at their most earnest, and if you haven't been to a Switchfoot concert and with both hands shot towards the clouds screaming «DARE YOU TO MOOOOOVE» than you did not have a happy childhood.
And what we see we must share because love demands that we share with others the gifts that bring meaning to our lives.
There is really no meaning to our life.
We are meant to live in community, and with confession.
The truly sad thing is that I can't think of anywhere in any religion that says that we were only meant to live here and this was the only planet for us.
With a million different ideas about what is true and what it means to live well, it's easy to get lost in the shuffle.
That is what led us to sense that there is something — I don't know if it is personal or if it is a great idea or powerful influence — but there is something that can bring meaning to my life.
Not only land, people and culture has transformed into raw - materials, labour and tourist souvenirs, but all symbols that provided meaning to life has turned into commodities Those realities that refused to assume itself in the form of a thing (commodity) have rendered valueless.
In a time in which we are in danger of losing our birthright as human beings, Martin Buber has shown us what it means to live as men.
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