Sentences with phrase «= photo sent»

Customer support: technical verification = photo sent by email Cost 79 Euro = 109 U.S. dollars for an e-reader as fragile as a crystal bohemia.

Not exact matches

Picture on» class = «col - xs - 12 col - md - 5 col - lg - 4 chatroomslist - img img - responsive pull - left» src =» / images/chatrooms/free-texting-apps-send-text-messages-online.jpg» alt = «Photo of free - texting - apps - send - text - messages - online» How many of you feel awkward in social gatherings that are full of new people?

< font size ="- 1"> It really is off - putting when someone you & rsquo; ve never even chatted to sends you a photo of him or herself butt - naked.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z