Sentences with phrase «> no my way»

= > WAY to simplistic / inaccurate a view of Jesus.
= > The way is the inclination of your heart.
CCINO's = Conservative Christians in name ONLY, definitely turned the clock - > WAY BACK with their baseless attacks mixed with bigotry and hate and they will reap in this election.
What is additionally disturbing is > the way that Wood County prosecutors and sheriffs were co-opped into leading > the raid.
Open Zone >> >> >> > that way Edit 2: Morgan - don't take my comment seriously.
> curryja posted: «by Judith Curry I'm looking for ideas and discussion on > ways to improve what I regard to be a broken interface between climate > science and policy.
They discredited their > subject > this way and we now get the reply: «Hey, forest decline was a stupid lie, > so > climate change must be too.»
In doing things > this way we tried to make it clear that the original Legates / Davis > paper was an example of bad science (more bluntly, either sophomoric > ignorance or deliberate misrepresentation).

Not exact matches

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-- > The value of investing in relationships for the long - haul — > Investing in your health and longevity as a way to increase your lifetime earnings — > Why longer life expectancies should change the way you think about investing — > The shockingly low rate of personal savings and investment in the US — > My favorite part of the interview: whether we can reasonably expect the US markets to keep going up at their long - term average 7 % per year after inflation, or whether that was a unique period of US expansion which won't be repeated again.
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Until the Federal government can pass a budget (they haven't in almost four years), remove the 7 - year long ZIRP which penalizes savers and rewards debtors, and find a way to eventually remove the excess QEs and > $ 1 trillion annual spending deficits, I will stay on the porch while the «big dogs» run.
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As the Year of the Monkey gives way to the Year the Rooster, Chinese consumers are expected to travel abroad and hunt for properties among other things, reports the Financial... Ler mais >
Chinese buyers are bolstering housing recovery in the US, with Silicon Valley leading the way — and most of them... Continua a leggere >
= > no my way is not the only way.
> The family members are critical of each others Muslim «genuineness» in the way the practice their faith.
«You are completely incapable of even the slightest bit of empathy» = > sorry you feel that way my heart goes out to you.
= > symbolically Christ on the cross was a visual of the pain and suffering God experiences when we reject the opportunity to experience perfect love and choose instead our ways over «The Way»
let's try this again with quotes intact >» Jesus said «I am the truth, the way, and the life.
Put plainly, God desired to bring a Messiah - > So he created a covenant with a people who would honor him - > they found themselves enslaved by the Egyptians - > God (through Moses) reasoned with Pharoah but to no avail - > God unleashes the Passover Spirit - > Pharoah releases the Israelites and they continue on their way to make the way for the Messiah.
«God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply... They were commanded by God to have children... We don't know how long it was until Cain took a wife... > Well that is one way of dancing around the obvious
«It's been around long enough that it established itself among superstitious people with no real scientific knowledge,» = > Ok, now you are way off base.
= > Yes, LGBT are my equal = > The Bible is not wrong as to choice since some LGBT: are born that way (no choice as to orientation), made that way by man (zero choice to limited choice dependent upon what mankind has done to that person) and pure choice driven by lack of morality.
«That's why the church continues to try to block science from progressing, trying to block certain sciences in schools, and they don't teach all science in private christian schools» = > Public schools are so anti God it is pathetic you are way off on that one.
Doc «Expecting people to select The Truth out of limitless possibilities on faith alone seems a sloppy way to run things» = > How quick you forget basic.
= > Jesus said I am the way which basically followed «the way» of the loving God of the Old Testament that provided for the Hebrew.
= > Christians do nt attempt to intimidate anyone anymore than informing someone that they are driving the wrong way threatens them with a car accident.
Right on Amaris ~ > Our vision can really get in the way of following Christ.
We do not know how or when, but we do believe that the prayer of our Lord in John 17 will be answered, that his disciples will be one in a way that the world will see and will style =» mso - spacerun: yes» > believe that he was sent by the Father.
We offer this statement on the > communio sanctorum in the spirit of the concluding words of our first statement in 1994: «This is a time of opportunity» and, if of opportunity then of responsibility» for Evangelicals and Catholics to be Christians together in a way that helps prepare the world for the coming of Him to whom belongs the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever.
= > I am the way, the truth the life and no one comes to the Father but in me.
= > no rejection involved, your way does not work.
>> > and by the way, I have a hard time with your idea that the creation story fits well with evolution, there are a number of things in error even if you take the story figuratively»
= > it once was very silly as far as I was concerned till the way was open.
This is one of the simpler and more elegant ways to present evolution while avoiding that old and tired trap of monkey > man rage.
just the way «slack at work - > leads to - > get fired», «have s3x - > leads to - > have baby (if pregnant)».
«It seems just as likely your Satan created your book, especially considering the violent destructive history» = > it is the way of man as atheists as well as believers have a destructive history.
= > You choose to go for the way you should not even touch as well.
= > So, love your neighbor as yourself is a trick and doing bad / hurting yourself and others is the better way?
Tg > I love the passive aggressive line you always deliver «have fun on your death bed» the argument works both ways however,.
@ David: I thought of another: «Leave Good Alone» — > showing a theist (a guy with with «One Way» cross on the shirt) trying to run away with an «O»
= > well, «evolution» does nt really say anything one way or the other about God.
= > spirituality is very broad and includes a lot of things so yes it is not the only way.
Same way, have s3x - > get kids.
= > No, it was because when people turn away they follow their own ways (desires) which can only be towards something that is not of God.
Blessed are the Cheesemakers «but you have in no way shown why your interpretation is actually the CORRECT one» = > there may not necessarily be a correct one as the story is foundational to many of the beliefs and traditions of Noah and descendents.
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