Sentences with phrase «[about child abuse»

Nike (NKE) announced Wednesday that it has suspended the running back's endorsement contract amid allegations of child abuse.
«Nike in no way condones child abuse or domestic violence of any kind and has shared our concerns with the NFL,» Nike said in a statement.
I meet a few of the teens who are survivors of homelessness, child abuse and parental abandonment.
After a California doctor was prosecuted for child abuse imagery that was found on his computer by a Geek Squad employee, the EFF filed a Freedom of Information request to better understand the nature of Best Buy employees» relationship with the FBI.
The BBC said it used Facebook's «report» tool to alert the social network's moderators to 100 images, which were hosted inside pages explicitly for men with an interest in children, images of under 16s in «highly - sexualized poses,» groups with names such as «hot xxx schoolgirls» that contained stolen images of real children, and an image that appeared to be a screenshot of a video of child abuse.
In Michigan, it is a misdemeanor punishable by up to three months in jail and a $ 500 fine for certain professionals to fail to report a suspected case of child abuse.
Since the Super Bowl on February 3, NFL players have been arrested for common crimes like DUI and public intoxication, but also for things like street racing, child abuse, and trying to solicit a prostitute.
On the second page, Oppenheimer catalogues the family's many misfortunes and humiliations: «Drug addictions, alcoholism, overdoses, adultery, homosexuality, child abuse in the form of molestation, suspected kidnapping, a murder plot, a shooting, tragic accidents, suicide, attempted suicides, and other mayhem.»
Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff called for social media to be regulated like the tobacco industry on Tuesday, while British Prime Minister Theresa May on Thursday called for tech companies to do more to protect users, saying they can not «stand by while their platforms are used to facilitate child abuse, modern slavery, or the spreading of terrorist and extremist content.»
On October 24, USA Boxing was suspended because of some horrible remarks that its president made about female fighters and child abuse.
The Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office has charged the «Discount Bitcoin Bandits» with robbery, child abuse and grand theft counts.
On top of those felonies, two new charges were filed on April 25th: an additional felony charge of child abuse and grand theft.
A compromise plan to raise pay for all Erie County Child Protective Services caseworkers and supervisors would resolve major wage concerns in a high - turnover unit on the front lines of child abuse and neglect investigations, officials said.
Two forced strip - searches of a child by authorities at a Head Start program prompted by vague claims from an unreliable source could be considered child abuse, argues a friend - of - the - court brief urging the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to revive a lawsuit.
«Most of the emphasis appears to be on educating the field and encouraging them to be vigilant, while taking the position that USA Gymnastics has no authority to require clubs to take specific action — including the reporting of suspected child abuse,» Daniels wrote.
Child abuse in all its cruel and insidious forms is the scourge of our society.
VICTORIA — B.C. New Democrat children and families spokesperson Melanie Mark issued the following statement about the Paige Gauthier case and the duty to report child abuse: «Children rely on adults to protect them.
Oops, except other good men would set the example on helping children abused by their organization.
and the continued child abuse cover ups.
Consider not just the appalling record of the twentieth century; consider as well the sullenness of so many high school students today, the emptiness of their elders in college, the despair of the underclass, the desperate fun - seeking of the jet set, the divorce rate, the incidence of child abuse, and on and on.
The BSA guidelines demand that all child abuse be reported, are the Baptist troops exempt?
If you know anything about child abuse you know the perpetrator has ways of preventing the victim from telling.
If all that has been learned by organisations and the public about child abuse in the last 15 years had been known in 1999 and 2004 I would certainly have acted differently.
That's an interesting position to take when religious indoctrination of children is child abuse.
Every year 3.3 million reports of child abuse are made in the United States involving nearly 6 million children (a report can include multiple children).
This means that you as a true believer can vastly improve the human condition by praying to end bacterial disease, viral disease, genetic disorders, child abuse, human abuse, and much much more.
reborners, everyone of them, is absolutely clueless, brainwashed, has a book do all their thinking, reparded, is an imbecile, indoctrinated, duped by his parents, abused by priests, hates almost everyone, is a hypocrite, unthinking, addicted to religion, closed - minded, untrustworthy, greedy, two - faced, cheap, shallow, biased, republican, racist, uneducated, materialistic, boring, bland, judgmental, w / o love and knowledge of the bible, child abusing abortionists and genocidal cowboys and pro-slavery
A day does not go by that a new disturbing story is reported involving child abuse.
CNN - if you really cared about child abuse then do something to prevent it.
They had child abuse because they had no women folk.
The first is you cast the direct issue of child abuse aside in your zeal to persecute the low numbers of priests and the reaction of their supervisors.
The effect is that everyone, like William, perceives child abuse as a Catholic issue which is patently false and only contributes to the societal denial of the epic problem.
The Catholic Church's cover - up of the Child Abuse cases and now their anti-Nun bias, makes me appreciate leaving the Catholic Church to become a Luthern.
From the way the SBC handles child abuse, obviously not!
Plenty of horrific child abuse cases come out from the country.
No wonder the religious hierarchy hid child abuse.
that won't tell their own to report all cases of child abuse (see yesterday's news from Houston).
This means that you true believers can vastly improve the human condition by praying to end bacterial disease, viral disease, genetic disorders, child abuse, human abuse, and much much more.
The New York Times clearly illustrates a recurring problem within the Mormon Church — child abuse.
The message was mistakenly sent to a BBC journalist and subsequently shown to Peter Saunders, the child abuse campaigner who founded support charity NAPAC.
Was their child abuse going on in the CC?
If any corporation or business did the things that the church has done to cover up child abuse, that corporation would be out of business and the people who ran it would be in jail.
Children are suffering from a hidden epidemic of child abuse and neglect.
Hiding child abuse is a crime.
He was giving evidence at the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry which began the second phase of its hearings in Edinburgh on Tuesday.
Some people say that it is pointless, as it can not actually do anything, but in my opinion it does do something; it shows moral and emotional support for those supporting the fight against child abuse.
What a woman does with her body is between her and her Doctor, not her and an imaginary, vidictive - murderer - rapist - child abusing god.
Whether these were bad or good childhoods, it can help us see that child abuse is wrong.
British authorities had requested that he be extradited to the UK, however a Kosovan court blocked the move because under Kosovan law the child abuse allegations against him - some of which date back to the 1970s - had expired.
While NAPAC admitted it was a «really long time coming» for the Church to deal with the child abuse happening under its watch, it was «really good to see these latest changes happening».
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