Sentences with phrase «[birds of prey»

«Cybercriminals are opportunists and, sadly, a crisis like Hurricane Harvey is a prime example of their preying on humanity's empathy and trust,» he wrote in an email to Fortune.
The shark will rock its head back and forth to pick up the electromagnetic field of its prey — similar to how a man with a metal detector scans a beach — until they find a stingray, then chow down.
The Bight's baby white sharks declined for a number of reasons, Lowe says: poor water quality, their decimation as gillnetting bycatch, and the near - extirpation of the prey that adult sharks rely on.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is taking it easy on payday lenders accused of preying on low - income workers.
The measures would mark Mr. Trump's most aggressive move yet against a fast - rising economic rival that he has accused of preying on the United States.
This myth irritates atheists, because it tries to make a virtue out of preying on people's weaknesses in order to sell them a lie.
To do otherwise is to surrender conviction and make belief worthless or, on the other hand, to make myself seem «a servant of a God of prey whose goal it is to annex and enslave.»
The birds of prey swooped down after the «peace» doves flew from the open window in the Apostolic Palace.
I wonder if the wild, nocturnal howl of beasts of prey is ever so dreadful as the inhumanity of the raging mob.
How did you keep the carnivores fed — did you bring spares of their prey?
It always seems to me when the anti-suffrage members of the Government criticize militancy in women that it is very like beasts of prey reproaching gentler animals who turn in desperate resistance when at the point of death.
I am not in favor of this... so please don't kill these beautiful birds of prey... long live the Bald Eagle... peace out.
Never complain about having a bad seat - mate again, because no matter how much space on an armrest they take up, at least they are not a bird of prey.
When a man is killed by murderers or strong beasts of prey it is soon over; but I lie dying here under the cruel insects, and yet can not die.
So what is the point of preying or doing anything at all?
And then, he tried to make a covenant with God, but he wore himself out trying to keep the birds of prey at bay.
For 4000 years now, the birds of prey have been landing.
God first tells Abram that the birds of prey will take Abram's descendants away, but when the time is right, the people will come back into the land.
They are a good, but purely relative, value in the wonderful, constructive interplay of nature - which does indeed include the harmonic of prey and predator.
I'm pretty sure that's the standard for nature BUT I find it interesting that humans fall into the hands of the prey of the religious but not atheists.
Over the last nine years Mr. Ozersky, a successful food writer, editor, and TV producer, has grown Meatopia into a celebration of prey animals in all of their succulent glory.
Pesticides affect arthropods either directly, via contamination or reduction of their prey, or through alterations of the micro-habitat.
Ecological research already carried out in these national parks and surrounding coffee plantations has shown the presence of more than 300 species of birds, (including endemic species, threatened forest specialists and birds of prey e.g. Black Hawk - Eagle Spizaetus tyrannus), 31 mammals species (some of them are endangered species such as the ocelot, cacomistle and Mexican porcupine), 26 reptile species, and 326 tree and bush species.
Yet there are sometimes half a dozen cutthroats over three pounds directly under the wire, as those flimsy wires are enough to foil the attempts of even the most efficient bird of prey.
The forests and mountains of the U.S. have their own version of the prey which brings the hunter his supreme thrill.
am not scared he might get injured or drop form, am scared he's gonna devour himself instead of his prey.
Sirs: Miss Kraft's article on what the Aussies are doing to their Kangas, their Roos and their Pooh Bears (koalas) is enough to turn every gentle Winnie the Pooh fan from here to Queensland into a snarling, bloodthirsty beast of prey.
Unfortunately, there are no emoji for deer or birds of prey.
You could also have your picture with Huddersfield Town's Official Birds of Prey!
All ages Birds of prey and their habitats are fascinating, as are the adjustments they've made to thrive in urban environments.
On Thursday, March 29 drop by to see two live animal shows at 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. featuring beautiful birds of prey.
Not to mention all the birds of prey that hoover above.
We have a place locally that nurses birds of prey back to health.
Tags: Biology, Chicago Academy of Sciences, hawk, peregrine falcon, cooper's hawk, falcon, raptor, bird of prey, survival, Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum
A beautiful bird of prey, these large hawk - eagles dine on snakes and small mammals.
The American kestrel, our country's smallest bird of prey, was once a common sight over Massachusetts fields.
Kids will definitely be amazed and entertained by Doo Doo the Clown, Birds of Prey, and magician Wizard - Ry.
Near the birds of prey, you will have the chance to observe a group of ground - dwelling chicken - like birds, ring - necked pheasants.
Mass Audubon naturalists will be on hand during the cocktail hour, helping guests connect with nature and providing tours of the gardens as well as up - close experiences with live birds of prey.
Learn all about farm life, explore the forest, field, and wetlands looking for tracks and signs of plants and animals that live at Drumlin Farm year - round, discover the special adaptations that make birds of prey such skilled hunters, or journey back in time to learn about growing up in New England through cooking, stories, and games.
Design Your Own Sneakers with Shoes of Prey You may remember my last post with Shoes of Prey, about a company where you can customize their many, many shoe options to your heart's desire.
From a «hole in the ground» to «soaring with Eagles», time spent at Aillwee Cave & Bird of Prey Centre is exceedingly enjoyed by all.
The State of New South Wales in in the talons of a bird of prey call Judiciary Mafia.
Moore, accused by several women of preying on them when they were teenagers and he was in his 30s, lost what had been considered a safe seat for Republicans to Democrat Doug Jones.
Several other bird species ingest lead shot in the same way as waterfowl, and birds of prey can suffer lead poisoning from accidentally ingesting shot in their prey.
«I think he thought «I know that I have complied fully with all of the tax laws» and I don't like feeding this mill of preying on his father's memory and his father can not defend himself.»
Maps produced by the Partnership for Action against Wildlife Crime (PAW Scotland) show 14 confirmed bird of prey crimes compared to 19 the previous year.
«The very people who we need to be helping to gain ground in society, instead of preying upon them in this way,» he said.
To be precise, Carneiro points to hunting as the main source of lead in these birds of prey, via the intake of meat with bullet traces in the remains of dead animals.
The invader and its progeny eventually emerge from the shell of the prey in a way reminiscent of a cinematic chest - bursting scene.
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