Sentences with phrase «[liberation theologians»

I doubt that in a local church in your area this Sunday you'll hear a pastor or a theologian share on the beauty of dancing as a spiritual offering of love to God.
An interactive documentary on the life of a theologian who became blind will be released in late June for an undisclosed price.
Since the 1860s, German historians, theologians and popular writers had argued that German holiday observances were holdovers from pre-Christian pagan rituals and popular folk superstitions.
Many top innovation firms tap the perspectives of outside experts — be they physicists, poets, actors, archaeologists, theologians, or astronauts.
Introduction The idea of annulling debts nowadays seems so unthinkable that most economists and many theologians doubt whether the Jubilee Year could have been applied in practice, and indeed on a regular basis.
A quote often attributed to St. Augustine, the early Christian theologian, is: «The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.»
Schleiermacher was a liberal theologian because he thought modernity represents something fundamentally new and positive for humanity, something that stimulates Christian reform, enabling the true genius of our faith finally to achieve full expression.
Catholic theologians in modern times have generally said that ensoulment happens at conception.
And some of us are troubled by the shallow reasoning that has dominated the political discussions surrounding this move, as though the threadbare idea of equality were enough to settle every question concerning the long - term destiny of mankind and as though the writings of the anthropologists (not to mention the poets, the philosophers, the theologians, the novelists, the sociologists) counted for nothing beside the slogans of Stonewall.
Rather, the theological and scientific advisers to the section included a Canadian member of parliament, who is also a United Church minister, quoting William Stringfellow, Rachel Carson, and John Cobb; a theologian from Hong Kong who called for rejecting the «commander» image in Genesis of God giving shape and order to what he has made, in favor of the (female) «brooding spirit» image «which best addresses our current crisis»; and Larry Rasmussen of New York's Union Seminary, who linked the work of the Spirit with the growing environmental movement.
I know good scientists and theologians to turn to for answers to these deep questions, and it is not an insult (and in fact it is a compliment) to not expect elected officeholders to speak ex cathedra on such issues despite their own personal charisma.
It should be mentioned that the theologians from the United States did not come unprepared to this meeting.
A broad range of issues was discussed, including lack of communication between bishops and theologians, lack of information regarding the preparation of the Council, the seemingly haphazard agenda of the Council, and the participation of lay theologians, especially women, in conciliar process and the mechanisms of such participation.
With respect to an omniscient god, the famous, contemporary theologian, Father Edward Schillebeeckx made this observation:
2 untruths spoken by you in one sentence:: You are not dialogging with anyone but Luke because Societyvs has revealed your inadequacies as a theologian.
A group of more than sixty Catholic theologians and clergy, including some well - known traditionalist writers and scholars, have signed a document, addressed to Pope Francis and recently released to the public, alleging that the pope has promoted heresy through his statements regarding the post-synodal apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia.
Karl Barth recognized that liberal theologians provide theological justification for Kulturprotestantismus, an establishment mentality eager to adjust Christianity to suit bourgeois culture.
This includes the thoughts, now written, of the biblical writers and all theologians since.
But even if it does not, it would be valuable for the Orthodox leaders, both bishops and theologians, to acquire a habit of thinking in a conciliar manner.
Karl Barth was a creative, innovative theologian, so much so that Calvinists of strict observance question his orthodoxy, and a Thomist - inspired Matthew Rose reads Barth as beholden to modern assumptions («Karl Barth's Failure,» June 2014).
In these pages, papal biographer and theologian George Weigel rejects the notion that any thinking about just war ought to begin with a «presumption against the use of force,» as it seems Pope Francis has done.
In a bold move over the weekend, theologian and writer Rob Bell marries cartoonist David Hayward, also known as the nakedpastor.
That is to say, physics is proclaimed «necessary» in the same way that God is proclaimed necessary by theologians
But nobody imagines him a liberal theologian.
Thanks for noting what a knowledgeable theologian should have already known.
Having lived with a servant of the Word for more than fifty years in three Lutheran churches, I have this question: Why is it that the «white, middle - class, traditional, orthodox theologians» being told that their understanding of the church is no longer relevant, are told this by «white, middle - class theologians
The theologians welcomed such a response, yet indicated their concern that it would be difficult for them to shape the conciliar decisions directly unless a workgroup of periti — theological experts similar to the ones that proved to be so influential at Vatican II — is allowed to assist the bishops in preparing the conciliar documents.
So, if we (along with many theologians) don't see the love we share with our partner to have been decreed sinful by God, then how are we playing God by saying it is ok?
If you are not a theologian, then what are you doing arguing theology (all this gays are going to hell stuff is based on your theology, right)?
Generations of theologians devoted their lives to making sense out of nonsense, and Christianity was born.
«I find it as difficult to understand a scientist who does not acknowledge the presence of a superior rationality behind the existence of the universe as it is to comprehend a theologian who would deny the advances of science.»
An aboriginal theologian told the Assembly that land rights were important to aborigines not only for economic reasons, but because
The explanation, argues South African theologian John de Gruchy in his book Reconciliation, lies in the growing conviction among Christian theologians in the twentieth century that God's reconciliation of the world to himself through Jesus Christ encompasses political orders, not merely relationships among persons or within families or church communities.
As a serious and renowned theologian, he could not afford to falsify written texts.
Hundreds of thousands of scholars and theologians have studied these issues for the last 2000 years plus.
After all, nineteenth - century Lutheran theologians like Ritschl and Harnack were leading lights of what Troeltsch later called «Neo-Protestantism»; they were followed in the twentieth century by the likes of Bultmann, Ebeling, and lesser imitators fighting at all costs to save Lutheranism against Karl Barth's new orthodoxy or Dietrich Bonhoeffer's call to discipleship.
I don't know of any legitimate theologians or Scriptural interpretations vouching for humans and animals and tools to get married.
--------- I did not realize that someone had to be a theologian to discuss and argue Bible things??
St. Augustine, John Calvin, and Marin Luther were profound theologians.
Since no one philosopher or theologian (of much greater intelligence and ability to reason than I) has adequately answered it, I believe the majority of us are ill - equipped to answer it.
The Assembly heard «progressive» theologians attempt to advance new formulations of the gospel, and felt the strength of Orthodoxy and evangelical Protestantism in asserting biblical doctrines.
------ I will await the me being a theologian thing.
Dawkins, in his mediocre opinions in The God Delusion: -[1] Fails to support debunked assertions [i.e.can't defend his opinions when they are argued against by real scientists and Theologians!]
After all, (if I were his campaign manager, I would emphasize that) we are not electing a scientist in chief, nor for that matter a theologian in chief.
But, Steve, there are lots of legitimate theologians that believe that the Bible doesn't condemn committed gay marriages.
Why not let theologians and philosophers debate the WHYS of Creation, and leave it to scientists to puzzle out the HOWS?
You can find out right now -------- First, you are not going to find the facts — I said facts ---- not your opinion about what some gay scientist / theologian says.
Might you site for me and this audience where I even intimated that I was a «'' theologian?
As a young theologian, he was horrified when in 1914 his professors, liberal Protestants to the last, signed a declaration of support for the Kaiser and the coming war.
Consequently, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith took up this concern of the pope and set a good number of its theologians and other collaborators to work on the problem of the relation between explicit and implicit faith.
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