Sentences with phrase «-rcb- caught up on my blog»

Learning its keyboard shortcuts allowed me to quickly navigate around my Feedly dashboard and catch up on the blogs I'm following.
I'm catching up on my blog reading this afternoon, so I realize this is an older post, but really great summary of this issue, Jeremy.
Hi Jeremy, I am just getting caught up on your blog.
Sorry, not sorry for all the comment notification, getting caught up on my blog reading, haha!
FINALLY catching up on your blog..
It's the perfect chance for me to catch up on your blog after a busy week.
I've been catching up on your blog and missed it while I was away!
I know I'm late to this party but I'm finally catching up on my blog reading, and this is crazy beautiful!
so i caught up on your blog two days ago and then realized i never commented!
This is why I should be in bed at 12:20 am instead of catching up on your blog posts but I just can't help myself.
Catching up on blogs, email, and tweets and then heading to bed.
By simply dropping the dough instead of rolling and cutting, these can be made in around 15 minutes ~ just the amount of time you need to sear your meat, set the table, make a salad, catch up on your blog reading... or whatever you need to do.
Oh, Molly, I am catching up on your blog and I just had to comment -LCB- and say you are wonderful! -RCB-
So I now have time and the headspace to catch up on blog posts and work.
SO glad I'm catching up on my blog reading now because these look awesome!
Finally catching up on my blog reading and FINALLY drooling over this recipe.
Thank you for the soda bread recipe, too (catching up on blogs).
Just catching up on blog reading and your past several posts are just amazing!
(sorry, got back from vaca the other day and catching up on my blog reading) kudos to you, chica — it was only a matter of time....
Oh man, just got back from my big trip and HAD to catch up on your blog and now I am sitting here at my desk a happy puddle of tears.
i am just catching up on your blog.
On Monday morning, lying in bed and catching up on my blog - reading after a happy and busy weekend with friends, I saw this post from Cookie and Kate, and was immediately obsessed.
Also... I'll be catching up on your blog... I was away for a few days and have been a blogging fool ever since I got back!
I'm just catching up on my blog reading and had a chance to peruse some of your guest bloggers» posts.
Then I sat down to catch up on my blog reading and had to check out the ad.
(The Linky will stay permanently in the post, so you can come back later and catch up on any blogs you may have missed.)
You can catch up on my blog here.
(The Mr. Linky will stay permanently in the post, so you can come back later and catch up on any blogs you may have missed.)
I have read the latest book, and am catching up on your blog posts now.
Oh, well... being iced in gave me plenty of time to get caught up on blog stuff, report writing for work, laundry and some additional recipe creation; like this wonderfully hearty, easy 30 minute chili meal.
I don't usually read for school, but I do catch up on blogs and books
I'm finally catching up on some blogs after the 2 week vacation, whew!
I'm finally catching up on blog comments... one post has 72!
Other than that, I mostly relaxed, caught up on blogs and e-mails from last week, & watched a few movies.
I filled my free time with shopping and catching up on blogs.
I am finally catching up on your blog!
I am just catching up on your blog also.
It's a great way to catch up on any blog posts that you may have missed this month, and shop some of my most loved items / trends for January.
Anyway, the other day I was catching up on my blogs and couldn't believe it when I saw this post by Miriam of Kafferepet.
OMG I am catching up on blogs from the past couple of months (I am way behind) and am just now seeing this!
I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of things, catching up on the blogs I love and finding some new ones, too!
I feel like I need an update on your life because I haven't had time to catch up on your blog in a few days.
Once home I normally work by catching up on blog posts and editing video content, but I generally don't see this as work and find it relaxing as it's my passion.
Luckily Sunday was spent catching up on the blog and mentally preparing for the week!
7:00 p.m. Sam feeds cats dinner while I head upstairs to unwind and and catch up on blog and social media stuff.
And I am super happy you are catching up on the blog.
I'm working, gymming and catching up on the blog!
Once I arrived home Friday, I chose to stay put and catch up on blog work, house cleaning, and book reading until everything was clear.
Yea, I have definitely been binge watching while catching up on blog stuff, finishing my Halloween costume, and other tasks.
I'm finally making time this week to catch up on blogs!
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