Sentences with phrase «1960s liberation theology»

Prior to the 1960s liberation theology did not exist.

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Liberation theology has been a movement in change since at least the 1960s, and both volumes examine this change.
When many people think of Obama's religious experience in Chicago, though, they cite his exposure to the angry sermons of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and «black liberation theology,» a movement that emerged in the late 1960s and blended the Social Gospel with the black power movement.
He contrasts Wright with James Cone, the 1960s proponent of black liberation theology who disparaged a focus on Jesus as Saviour as «Christofascism», along with others who contend that black folk should fnd their primary identity in race rather than religion.
Benedict, who resigned Monday citing his advancing age, was one of the church's most visible opponents of liberation theology, a movement that began in Latin America in the 1960s.
When liberation theology first appeared in the late 1960s and early 1970s, most of the regimes in Latin America were military dictatorships.
Most theologies since the late 1960s have been built on variants of the liberation theme, each one doing its own thing for its own purposes.
The two most important expressions of liberation theology to emerge from the American experience in the late 1960s are black theology and feminist theology.
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