Sentences with phrase «a known allergy»

Hippie Butter Hemp Seed Flour is a healthy dietary choice for anyone because there are no known allergies to Hemp Seeds.
Avoid in people with known allergy or sensitivity to milk or milk products, including cow's milk, sheep's milk, goat's milk, and mare's milk.
If you have a known allergy to soy, you will want to be careful to avoid any vegan protein powder that contains soy protein isolate or any other soy products.
My LO doesn't have any known allergies, but I'm not crazy about giving him multiple cups of dairy milk in a few months when he is a year old.
Many people that are allergic to certain plants don't have reactions to the essential oils because the proteins in the plant are not present in the essential oil, but that doesn't mean that one should start dousing themselves in an essential oil that they have a known allergy or intolerance to the plant or family of plants without doing a patch test first.
If your child has a known allergy to nuts, also be careful about cooking oils and additives that are in soaps, lotions and other things you might be putting on your baby's skin.
Although people with intolerances often can eat small amounts of offending foods without triggering a reaction, people with known allergies must avoid them.
This applies mostly to babies who have no known allergy / sensitivity risks.
Some brands may contain slightly different components than another — which might be relevant if your child has a very specific known allergy to a particular brand's ingredient — but the vaccines are generally pretty similar.
It is important to let everyone know allergies, diet needs, like diabetes, and dislikes in advance.
-- You have a known allergy to general anesthesia.
You need to inform your child's doctor and nurse about any medications your child is taking and the dosages, as well as any known allergies.
NO food / drink allowed in class due to life - threatening known allergies in the TLC community.
Other than alcohol, caffeine, medication, some herbs, and fish high in mercury, unless you or your child have known allergies, sensitivities or a condition like celiac's disease, there is no real reason to limit your diet.
Nearly 22 percent of the time, the individuals had no known allergies.
More than 1 in 10 schools in the United States responding to a survey reported at least one severe allergic reaction during the 2013 - 14 school year, and 22 percent of those events occurred in individuals with no previously known allergies.
«But the bottom line is that many students experiencing anaphylaxis in school had no prior known allergies and would not have had medication there or at home,» she said, emphasizing the need for greater access to epinephrine auto - injectors in schools and other public places.
If you know allergy season really starts affecting you in April, start taking precautionary measures a month or two before.
If you have a known allergy to dust or mold, be careful what items you bring into your home — especially if you don't know their history or what could be lurking inside them.
Although he had no known allergies, he had a severe allergic reaction after finishing the drink.
On the other hand, although Menoquil does not cause any side effect, women who have a known allergy to any of Menoquil's ingredients should avoid taking this product.
I have known allergies to wheat (which I wouldn't eat on Paleo or PHD anyway), dairy and eggs.
While a food sensitivity or intolerance may not present itself the way we know allergies do, we should still be mindful of the way our body is responding to foods.
If you have a known allergy to these plants, you may react to this root so use caution if you try it, or check with your doctor before getting ready with this root.
Try eliminating dairy, citrus and other well known allergy groups of foods one at a time for a few days to see if they are the cause for your relapse.
Also know your allergies.
Parents are encouraged to notify the School Nurse of their child's known allergies and to indicate this annually on the Health Information form.
My pets have no known allergies, therefore I felt comfortable switching foods with common ingredients.
Consult your veterinarian before using this product in animals: with clotting disorders; being treated with anticoagulant medications; diabetes, or any metabolic disorder causing hyperglycemia; history of urinary tract stones; known allergy to shellfish.
If your dog has no known allergies or past occurrences of side - effects, just use Frontline or similar.
Please communicate with your veterinarian before using this product if you pup has clotting disorders; is being treated with anticoagulant medications; is diabetic, or has any other metabolic disorder causing hyperglycemia; has a history or urinary tract stones; or has a known allergy to shellfish.
Blue Buffalo is also great for dogs who have a known allergy to poultry based by products, and, even though this formula isn't available for young pups, the small breed size bag may work well for when he / she gets older.
Consult your veterinarian before using this product in animals with clotting disorders or being treated with anticoagulant medications, diabetes or any metabolic disorder causing hyperglycemia, history of urinary tract stones, known allergies to shellfish.
Consult with your veterinarian before using this product in pets: with clotting disorders, being treated with anticoagulant medications, diabetes, or any metabolic disorder causing hyperglycemia, history of urinary tract stones, or known allergies to shellfish.
Consult with your veterinarian before using this product in pets: with clotting disorders, being treated with anticoagulant medications; with diabetes, or any metabolic disorder causing hyperglycemia; with a history of urinary tract stones; known allergies to shellfish.
I know its allergies because we live in the country and whenever a certain plant starts to pollinate, he starts itching..
They Were On The Diet For A Few Weeks And Their Blood And Urine Values Fell Back Into Line But They Could Not Tolerate The Chicken In The Food - They Began Throwing Up Their Food - A Known Allergy.
Cautions or Contraindications — not for use in pregnancy, not for dogs with known allergy to the asteraceae family of plants.
Do not use cyclosporine modified in dogs with known allergy to the medication.
Do not use Atopica for Cats in cats with a known allergy to the medication.
Consult with your veterinarian before using this product in animals with clotting disorders and those being treated with anticoagulant medications, diabetes, or any metabolic disorder causing hyperglycemia; history of urinary tract stones; known allergies to shellfish.
This is probably the go to formula to start if you have a dog that does not have food sensitivities or known allergies.
With no known allergies, hemp is one of the most nutritious seeds in the world — A true superfood!
· A handout containing identification information (in the event you get separated from your pet) · Current photo of pet · Pet's descriptive features (age, sex, neutered / non-neutered status, color (s), and approximate weight) · Microchip number · Owner contact information (cell phone, work phone, home phone) · Contact information of a close relative or friend, · A handout with boarding instructions [443 KB], such as feeding schedule, medications, and any known allergies and behavior problems · Documents, medications, and food should be stored in waterproof containers Protect Yourself from Injury and Illness
Visitors who have known allergies to yellow jacket venom should consider going to an alternate location than Prisoners Harbor during the late summer and early fall.
«BlackBerry users with known allergies should avoid prolonged conversations, text messaging and handling their phones if they begin noticing symptoms.»
But did you know allergies affect animals, too?
For this reason, paramedics and firemen have been trained to search a subject's cell phone to find ICE (in case of emergency) contacts that know your allergies, blood type, and other vital details.
Certified dental assistants collect patient information regarding tooth problems they may be having, known allergies, past medical history, and other information required by the dentist.

Not exact matches

As people start living in more sterile and urban environments their immune systems aren't exposed to microbes and don't know what to do when they encounter allergens or bacteria, making allergies and auto - immune diseases more prevalent, Scientific American's podcast Science Talk explains.
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