Sentences with phrase «a good culture»

Taking the time to map out how you can best apply these tips to form the best culture for your organization can prepare you for growth down the road.
Takeaway: Even the best culture needs to revisit itself to meet a growing company's team.
It really is a place for creative, motivated people who want good food, good music, good culture and a lot of like - minded people.»
Three of us started the company, we were first time software entrepreneurs, we were starting in a difficult environment in late 2000 when the Internet bubble had burst, we couldn't get funding, we were working without salaries and having no financial cushion... but almost in a linear fashion it just got better and better: more momentum, more customers, better culture, better technology.
Respect, gratitude, openness and creativity permeate the best cultures.
In our search for a better culture, we discovered the following five major insights that eventually helped our company around:
You probably have a stack of business books to help you be a better leader, be more productive, build better cultures, hold better meetings.
Frankly, it's not a good culture fit.
A good culture fit that fills in a company's «missing link» can help solidify the team members that you already have in place.
In the end, he's found that by being an exemplary boss, he not only creates a better culture and company but employees are happier and more productive.
You might think that startups would have better culture, since they have fewer employees, leading to better collaboration, communication and buy - in.
The reality is, «good culture» is like «good ice cream» - there are plenty of different delicious flavors.
A good culture also informs the wider community of the way it will interact and what can be expected from the organization to provide in terms of support to the community.
After all, the digital agency recently won Ad Age's 2015 Small Agency Award for Best Culture and Crain's # 1 Best Place to Work in NYC, and was ranked # 1 in Entrepreneur's rankings of top company cultures.
Just a few weeks ago, Elite SEM took home the Gold medal for Best Culture at the 2015 Ad Age Small Agency Awards.
She adds that a good culture addresses and enhances employees» workplace experiences in a way that creates a motivated workforce that is well - positioned to achieve both corporate strategic goals and personal career goals.
But the best people want to work for the best bosses, in the best organizations, supported by the best cultures.
Despite this, nearly every company says they have a good culture (which to most just means the benefits they offer) for employees.
Ultimately you want a good culture fit, because that's where you're going to be spending the majority of your time and passion.
There are certain hiring practices that are better left ignored if you want to find a good culture fit.
Tons of great insights here that are super inspiring and help encourage me to build better culture in my workplace.
Through my experiences and discussions with countless other animal advocates representing a broad swath of our movement, I've come to realize organizations with the best cultures espouse these two philosophies:
I agree that it is a reflection of our consumeristic, bigger - is - better culture.
It was the best the culture had to offer.»
Statecraft is important, but good cultures and good laws, important as they are, merely put more resilient shackles on the Gerasene demoniac.
The objective of the Islamic slaughter is to ensure maximal blood drainage from the animal as Muslim belief blood is a good culture medium for microorganisms to flourish.
And FYI — just last month — good culture was named as a finalist in the World Dairy Innovation Awards 2015.
good culture, founded lovingly by partners Jesse Merrill and Anders Eisner, launches on August 4 and will be available in the Southern Pacific Region of Whole Foods Market and other natural retailers.
Cottage Cheese, a woefully overlooked, undervalued and terribly misunderstood food category has undergone a complete and stunning makeover with the launch of good culture ™.
And — adding to the culinary elegance of good culture is a philanthropic heart.
His mom inspired his disdain for what he calls Los Angeles» «veneers» — i.e., its claims to the best culture, best places and best people.
He seems like he's in a much better place now and happy to be with a good franchise with a good culture.
They are team with a good culture of the Premier League, they know how to behave and they have experience.»
He called for a «better culture to produce better outcomes» but added: «Portability is an expensive exercise.»
He said: «This is fundamentally and issue of will» and added: «Football has the resources to hire the best culture change people it wants.»
Leader of the Commons Andrew Lansley has backed beleaguered Maria Miller, saying that he hoped she would not resign over the row on her expenses and added that «she is a good culture secretary».
Richard Regan, head of investment affairs at the Association of British Insurers, says that low inflation and better communication between companies and investors would create a better culture for long - term investment.
EBs were then plated to 12 well culture dishes to allow them to adhere to form a monolayer.
F1 virgin females were collected, transferred to individual cells of plastic 24 - well culture plates (various manufacturers) and given a single fly host to lay eggs.
After three weeks, all medium from the six - well cultures was removed, followed by a single media wash and replacement with fresh medium for 24 hours.
The cells were then seeded into 12 - well culture plates (1 ml / well; Falcon, Franklin Lakes, NJ).
SCR055, Millipore, Inc) in 24 - well culture dishes coated with poly - L - ornithine (20 µg / ml) and laminin (5 µg / ml).
Mix into sour cream, yogurt, or even cottage cheese (I use Good Culture brand because it is from grass fed cows) for a great veggie dip.
Best culture ever for making yogurt from milk, cashew, and coconut.
While on a recent family road trip I was grocery shopping and ran across the Good Culture brand of cottage cheese.
Our family had given up cottage cheese because of all the nasty additives until I discovered the Good Culture brand (check a grocery store near you).
This podcast is brought to you by Good Culture.
Good Culture makes amazing cottage cheese.
Ever since I discovered a better - for - you cottage cheese brand without fillers or carrageenan (Good Culture, in some grocery stores), our menu includes cottage cheese once again.
Good Culture: Not your grandma's cottage cheese: These luscious organic cups contain live, active cultures for better gut health, come in creative flavors (kalamata olive!
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