Sentences with phrase «aa groups»

Social and Clinical Profiling among Chronic Alcohol Dependent Men and Women Attending AA Groups in Trinidad
I have my AA groups and bible study and chanting group and now my husband is wholly back (daytime dalliances) and he has had survivor weekends, we have therapy, couples weekend coming in future.
Susan Anthony says that in her travels around the country she makes use of her list of charismatic prayer groups as well as her list of AA groups.
I know many separate AA groups now, none like what you describe.
And then I found out that healthy AA groups are like that.
There's a great deal of Christian bias in many AA groups.
Almost all the ministers reported giving talks on alcoholism to all manner of youth and adult groups in public schools, youth camps, AA groups, and various community organizations.
A large proportion of those respondents having much higher than average yearly figures were those having AA groups meeting in their church halls, or otherwise having a close relationship with AA.
In addition, some of the centers have AA groups meeting on their premises.
Especially fortunate in this regard are the pastors who have AA groups meeting in their churches.
There are thousands of AA groups meeting in this country.
When they stop drinking and become accepted in the AA group, they often make very adequate adjustments.
As soon as Joe is feeling a little better, Harry takes him and his wife to an open meeting of the local AA group.
The meeting is held in the parish house of a church, rented by the AA group at a nominal rate.
She dials the number, and an AA group secretary answers.
Then too, he has come to depend on the AA group for many of his inter personal satisfactions, and will therefore be influenced by group values.
An AA Group ought never endorse, finance or lend the AA name to any related facility or outside enterprise lest problems of money, property and prestige divert us from our primary spiritual aim.
The AA group provides an interpersonal environment where successful abstinence is rewarded» by group approval and acceptance.
His higher power is the AA group.
One study of an AA Group in a mental hospital showed that slightly over 50 percent achieved stable sobriety, the majority with no slips.
The AA group can help Joe because it is anonymous and non-exploitative.
If the pastor knows even one alcoholic who he thinks really wants to stop drinking, he can very well help him to start an AA group.
One of the more outspoken alcoholics I interviewed told of a young minister who apparently tried to use the AA group as a means of obtaining members for his church.
How does one establish contact with the local AA group?
A fifth type of preparation for counseling alcoholics consists of becoming closely related to several AA members and to an AA group.
In several communities there are «Twelve Step Houses,» and halfway houses have been organized and directed by the members of a certain AA group or groups.
The late E. M. Jellinek once said, in effect, that a therapist who had not tried to work with alcoholics usually recommends long and intensive psychotherapy when he encounters such a patient; but the therapist who has had some experiences in attempting to work with alcoholics will be more inclined to phone the nearest AA group.
Alcoholics with schizoid type personalities often are unable to feel comfortable with the degree of human closeness which is present in an AA group.
The pastor who moves to a new community will wish to establish a working relationship with the local AA group at his first opportunity.
Bob has been sober now for over two years, is active in an AA group in the plant where he works, and attends a Cleveland church.
So far as AA is concerned, every pastor ought to read and digest the contents of Alcoholics Anonymous, the «Big Book» (Alcoholics Anonymous Publishing, 1955), which can be obtained through any local AA group.
There's no such thing as joining AA, but one can join an AA group, and by doing so I have found over the last thirty years enough support to not be chased out of AA for my atheistic views.
It could be the AA group itself or (GOD) good orderly direction just blieve that somethig or someone can restore us to sanity!!!
Continuing its message to the clergy, AA concedes that: Some members of the clergy may be shocked to learn that an agnostic or an atheist may join the Fellowship, or to hear an AA [member] say: «I can't accept that «God concept»; I put my faith in the AA group; that's my higher power, and it keeps me sober.»
The idea of the AA group as the Higher Power or god of an AA member should not be shrugged off as hypothetical or even all that exceptional.
Although AA is mindful that dependence can be dangerous in therapeutic relations, it is their experience that dependence on an AA group or on a higher «Power» has not produced any disastrous results (Morris E. Chafetz and Harold W. Demone, Jr., Alcoholism & Society [NY: Oxford University Press, 1962], p. 150; bold face added).
Would you accuse members of an AA group of meeting together to pity one another?
That Higher Power can be a river, a tree, their own AA group, a mountain, Allah, Buddah, or any other deity the individual finds that works for them.
These who are not resigned to permanent homelessness still have the psychological resources to identify with an AA group.
Third, the minister can arrange for him to get acquainted with an experienced and accepting AA member who may serve as a bridge to feeling at home in an AA group [In a study of factors which produce «readiness» for affiliation with AA, Harrison M. Trice discovered that alcoholics with the following characteristics tend to relate effectively to AA: Before contact with AA, they often shared troubles with others, had lost drinking friends, had heard positive things about AA, had no relative or friend who had quit through willpower.
There is currently a controversy in this community over whether or not to include a «we agnostics» group (a 12 step AA group) in the local directory of meetings.
The minister should do whatever is required to help the person establish a strong relationship with a local AA group.
As was evident in Chapter 5, the AA group and program are designed as a means of facilitating the particular kinds of continuing growth which are necessary to under - gird productive sobriety.
It seems to be true that for alcoholics it is important to feel themselves a part of something that is bigger and more important than the individual AA group and that this «something» is more than simply a creation of human ingenuity.
An AA group meets there, and a new philosophy of social service for homeless alcoholics has been developed.
Does the resistance reflect the limitations of a particular AA group or the person's reluctance to admit his need for help?
All are obtainable from a local AA group or from the General Service Office of AA, 305 East 45th Street, New York, New York 10017.
Beginning with Lois W., wife of co-founder, Bill W., AA wives have shared the sense of belonging and the resultant re-socialization of the AA group.
Starring Joaquin Phoenix and distributed by Amazon Studios, the drama follows the life of a troubled alcoholic who journeys from rock - bottom to an oddball AA group; it also stars Jonah Hill, Rooney Mara, and Jack Black.
Trusting that everyone in his AA group will keep his confidences, he admits not only to being an alcoholic but a murderer, too.
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