Sentences with phrase «abs engaged»

And that brings us to our next test: full stops with ABS engaged.
Keep your abs engaged and spine straight.
Form: Keeping your abs engaged and your legs straight, move your hips towards the ceiling.
Form: Keeping your abs engaged, bring your knees towards your chest.
With feet slightly wider than shoulder - width apart, keep your abs engaged and make sure your knees doesn't fall in but stays in line with your toes.
Always keep your back straight and your abs engaged in any exercise that you do.
Keep the abs engaged throughout the movement and try to keep the non-working leg stable as the other leg moves.
How to Do It: Begin with hands and knees on the floor, spine neutral and abs engaged.
Avoid swinging the weights and keep the abs engaged.
Throughout the movement of the exercise, keep the abs engaged and spine neutral.
Keeping your spine lengthened and your abs engaged, lift your left leg up just higher than your top hip.
It is also important to keep your abs engaged throughout the movement.
Start in a plank position with wrists aligned underneath shoulders, abs engaged and spine straight.
Arm Slides (R then L) Start in a plank position with wrists aligned underneath shoulders, abs engaged and spine straight.
It's just about getting the spine ready to do some back extension (back bending) types of exercises, getting the abs engaged for support and coordinating with the breath.
Keep your abs engaged.
For this move, you tip from the hips, keeping the back flat and the abs engaged.
Start in a low squat position with feet wide, weight in your heels, low abs engaged, hips back.
As your leg is circling in the air, notice how your abs engaged during the routine.
-- Keeping your arms settled and straight, and your abs engaged, you should then rotate your upper body to the left, then back to center, and then to the right, and then back to center.
-- Then keeping your back straight and your abs engaged, roll the ball as far as it goes away from you as you can, then gradually roll back to starting position.
Keep your abs engaged and exhale as you reach your left hand toward your left foot, then return to center.
Keeping your hips stacked and abs engaged, draw the top arm across your body (fingertips trailing the body) and out to the other side.
This is when the glutes squeeze together while keeping the abs engaged.
Make sure to keep your abs engaged as you return to the starting position so that your back does not arch excessively.
Keep abs engaged and squeeze thighs together as you slowly lower toes towards the floor behind your head.
With each exhale, pull belly in tight to keep abs engaged.
The key to keeping this move safe and effective is to keep the abs engaged throughout the exercise.
When you are practicing your one arm flex hangs, negatives, and self - assists, remember to keep your abs engaged.
Keeping the abs engaged and the shoulders back, push into the front heel and lift up about halfway.
It calls for pushing your hips back and lowering your chest toward the ground with a flat back, abs engaged, weight in heels and just a slight bend in your knees.
Just make sure you send the hips back and keep the abs engaged to protect the lower back.
Sit on the ball with the abs engaged, back straight, feet flat on the floor.
Place your arms on the arms of the rocker and roll the arms into the chest, then with the abs engaged push the arms forward.
SURRENDER SQUAT JUMPS Start in a low squat position with feet hip's width apart, weight in your heels, low abs engaged and hips back.
Start in a low squat position with feet hip's width apart, weight in your heels, low abs engaged and hips back.
- Keep your lower abs engaged.
Make sure to keep your chest back, and your abs engaged.
Keep your spine straight and your abs engaged as you draw your opposite arm and leg together, then extend back out.
Keeping abs engaged, bring right knee to nose (shown).
This exercise is about full control, extension and flexion required to keep abs engaged rather than speed.
Rest your right arm on your right thigh for support and keep back flat, abs engaged.
Make sure to always keep your abs engaged.
Keep a nice long line from heels to tip of head and keep abs engaged.
As you rise back up, take the weights into an overhead press, keeping abs engaged, shoulders down and back, and make sure you don't «pop» out the knees at the top of the move.
Remember to keep your spine straight and abs engaged.
Use your butt to lift back up, keeping your abs engaged for balance.
Keep your arms straight and abs engaged, while keeping the whole body in a straight line.
Remember to keep your abs engaged for the entire exercise.
Your hands should be directly under your shoulders with your back flat and your abs engaged.
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