Sentences with phrase «alien conspiracy theorists»

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Unless us «conspiracy theorists» were right all along and the government does have some secret drug deal going down with the aliens because a UFO is pretty much the only logical means to get the body moved 1,000 miles within 20 minutes.
Located in Nevada, 300 miles from Edwards, Area 51 (officially referred to only as «the operating location near Groom Lake») is an Air Force installation that conspiracy theorists insist holds alien technology recovered from a UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.
The critical responses I have received can largely be categorized into two camps: those who feel that the article labels every conspiracy theorist as mentally ill and those who feel that it is unfair to group skepticism toward global warming with other «crazy» conspiracy theories such as aliens and Area 51.
The only real hoax here is that van der Linden is throwing global warming skeptics under the bus with conspiracy theorists who believe that nasa faked the moon landing, the government holds aliens hostage in Area 51, and the Boston Marathon bombings were an inside job.
But while UFO claims are often hoaxes or the work of conspiracy theorists, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence — alien life just as smart and technologically advanced as humans — is a legitimate scientific field.
Whatever happened, the end product can only be described as Red Dawn for the undiscriminating conspiracy theorist: The barely - visible humanoid aliens stand in for the Commies, Islamists, Big Government, or whatever monolithic threat that's currently terrifying you, a small band of ultra-patriotic can - do jarheads all that stands in their way.
He's referring to the fact that, after being trapped in a bunker with the creepy conspiracy theorist / kidnapper Howard (John Goodman) and a mysterious hired hand Emmett (John Gallagher Jr.), 10 Cloverfield Lane's main character, Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), finally breaks out and realizes the crazy theories are true — aliens have invaded the Earth.
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