Sentences with phrase «aogcm mean estimates»

In Rhode Island, when the tax man comes calling for his 5.99 percent, that would mean an estimated $ 23.3 million, forked over in a single payment.
Crucially it would also mean an estimated $ 4.2 billion in federal funding cuts to the states, where public - sector employment is just now recovering.
Is might be that the US has a higher percentage of these extremely efficient enterprises, which would skew the overall mean estimate of productivity.
A survey of 12 oil price estimates compiled by Bloomberg found a mean estimate of $ 47 per barrel by the end of 2016.
The financial data firm classifies positive guidance as an EPS estimate that's higher than the mean estimate before the guidance was issued.
The difference between the mean estimated return and the mean actual return is +11.5 % per year, a significant overstatement of past performance.
You can enroll in the program if you work for a government or nonprofit organization — which means an estimated 25 percent of the population is eligible, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Its newly elected general secretary Lee McCluskey said: «The «big society» is a smokescreen - a David Cameron vision of a 1950's Britain that never existed - which actually will mean an estimated 140,000 job losses in the next year.
That leadership has meant an estimated 3.9 m fewer children will die.
However, following reports that 13 Member States were unlikely to be compliant with the EU directive by 1 January 2012, meaning an estimated 50 million hens would still be housed in battery cages, Defra announced that many retailers and major food suppliers were putting in place «stringent traceability tests» to guarantee they will not supply eggs produced from illegal conventional cages or use them as ingredients in their own brand products.
And as the NAS report pointed out, uncertainties in counting the animals over such a vast area mean estimates could be far too low.
The authors also looked at only one major chemical contaminant per site and usually considered just one cancer and one non-cancer impact at each location, meaning their estimates may not be all - inclusive.
«This means our estimates are probably very conservative, both in terms of health and climate change implications,» Cleveland said.
«Increased air pollution cuts victims» lifespan by a decade, costing billions: But different calculations mean estimated cost is 3 times lower in EU than with US methodology.»
The mean cold ischemia time was 19.6 minutes and the mean estimated blood loss was 296.4 mL.
The (posterior) mean estimated by the study was circa -0.3 W / m ^ 2 for indirect aerosol forcing and -0.4 W / m ^ 2 for direct.
Here we have shown that the degree to which semicircular canals approach orthogonality is correlated with mean estimated sensitivity to angular accelerations, and that mean sensitivity in turn is solely determined by canal radius of curvature.
It bears noting that even if the SEA mean estimate were correct, it still lies well above the ever - more implausible estimates of those that wish the climate sensitivity were negligible.
This means estimates of a male's competitive fertilization success are often relative to the specific rival ejaculates and females he is paired with, rather than reflecting a male's overall fitness compared to the larger population.
Status completion means estimating the share of 20 - to 24 - year - olds who have a high school degree in a given year, thus including all graduates rather than only those who complete high school on the expected four - year time line.
Those factors would all increase teacher turnover rates, meaning our estimates, particularly those for the percentage of teachers reaching later milestones, are likely on the low end.
That means the estimated shipping times for the above options are 19 days, 13 days and 5 days respectively.
The mean estimate from the analyst community is that earnings - per - share will rise by 169.60 % next year.
Or did you mean the estimated intrinsic value of those options (estimated value less exercise cost) is $ 100,000?
That means the estimated 43 million tenant households that have renters insurance might find their personal belongings aren't covered in certain types of catastrophes.
The numbers have the mean estimated by the Stock - Return Predictor for year 30.
Average costs were also weighted by the number of animals served by the shelter to produce a weighted mean estimate.
The Mugrabis have bought the Warhols over a period of 20 years, starting back when the mean estimate of an Andy Warhol at auction was $ 66,000, through to the current estimate of $ 442,000.
Which means all estimates on sea level rise have a large unknown fudge factor missing.
However, the CRU global mean combined land air / sea surface temperature estimates for Jan - Aug 2005 lag behind the 1998 annual mean estimate by 0.08 C (0.50 C vs. 58C for 1998) while GISS indicates a lag of 0.02 C.
Thus, given the height and value of the emission temperature, we can get a simple estimate for the surface temperature: 255K + 5.5 km * 6K / km = 288K (= 15oC; close to the global mean estimated from observations given by NCDC of ~ 14oC).
You stated: «Thus, given the height and value of the emission temperature, we can get a simple estimate for the surface temperature: 255K + 5.5 km * 6K / km = 288K (= 15oC; close to the global mean estimated from observations given by NCDC of ~ 14oC).»
The climate sensitivity is closest associated with, for which the mean estimate was 1.11, with a 5 -95-percentile interval of 0.74 - 1.62.
Nor have I yet worked out why most of the ERF mean estimates and uncertainty ranges differ between my calculations and the 10 March 2016 version of Table S1.
And I assumed «RCP Estimated» means estimated by IIAS, not BEST.
In the early part of last century, the rate is within the error of more recent estimates (grey shading), but the mean estimate (black line) is ~ 1 mm / yr lower.
The mean estimates for the 2010 September Sea Ice Outlook based on May, June, and July data were close to the observed value with a rather small quartile distribution (as a measure of deviation from the mean).
The flux estimates presented in previous sections use available estimates from every reservoir where GHG emissions have been reported (and mean estimates from reservoirs where multiple studies or years of data have been collected), but it is important to note that the spatial and temporal coverage of these emission estimates are highly variable.
Here, we report mean areal (per unit surface area) CH4 fluxes from reservoir water surfaces that are approximately 25 % larger than previous estimates (120.4 mg CH4 - C per m2 per day, SD = 286.6), CO2 flux estimates that are approximately 30 % smaller than previous estimates (329.7 mg CO2 - C per m2 per day, SD = 447.7), and the first - ever global mean estimate of reservoir N2O fluxes (0.30 mg N2O - N per m2 per day, SD = 0.9; table 1).
The US Arctic Alaska Petroleum Province holds mean estimates of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil and gas resources of nearly 30 billion barrels of oil, about... Read more →
Circles represent weighted ratio mean estimates, error bars represent 95 % confidence limits for the weighted ratio; triangles represent the median crop yield ratio for all states included in the analysis.
The equilibrium climate sensitivity will be about 50 % greater than this due to the ocean acting as a heat sink, so the ECS will be about 3C, in line with the mean estimate from the models.
For example, the mean estimate for sensitivity is 3C.
The mean estimate is that ~ 110 % of the warming over the last half - century is due to us.
Map of the assessment units (AUs) of the CARA is color - coded for mean estimated undiscovered oil.
The spread of each distribution characterizes the extent of uncertainty surrounding the mean estimate of 3 degrees.
Skeie's -0.8 W / m ^ 2 posterior mean estimate compares with a prior mean of -1.65 W / m ^ 2 (90 % range approximately -3.0 to -1.0 W / m ^ 2).
More a philosophical point, but while debating the spread in mean estimates for cliamte sensitivity, attendees might consider Naseem Taleb's take that it is incoherent to doubt the mean while reducing the variance.
The (posterior) mean estimated by the study was circa -0.3 W / m ^ 2 for indirect aerosol forcing and -0.4 W / m ^ 2 for direct.
These occasional corrections are one reason why monthly updates not only add e.g. global mean estimates for the new month, but may slightly change estimates for earlier months.
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