Sentences with phrase «about blind trust»

; DeLay Indicted in Campaign Finance Probe; Frist Knew About Blind Trust Investments; HCA Subpoenaed Over Sen. Frist's Shares; Senate Majority Leader Frist In Insider Trading Scandal?
Chuck convinces her that he will not be linked to Ice Juice in any way and that if anything comes out he's sure his dad will lie and say that he acted without consulting Chuck about the blind trust.
Then, when asked about the blind trust in a March 24 interview with Forbes, Eric gave answers that seemed to contradict not only the arrangement to which he supposedly agreed but also his own statements on the topic.

Not exact matches

It's clear also that the «blind trust» candidate Trump has been talking about setting up since last January between himself and those far - flung business interests will be neither blind, nor a trust, nor provide any meaningful insulation whatsoever.
Minutes after Morneau strode out of the meeting — ignoring shouted questions about why he hasn't put his own extensive business holdings in a blind trust — Long held forth on what he clearly felt was his moment to savour.
The same people who couldn't get enough of Hillary's innocuous emails, or Obama's birth certificate or his collage transcripts or Bill's infidelities, do not care a hoot that, Trump, in an unprecedented move, refused to release his tax returns, refused to detail his business interests, refused to explain how his so - called «Blind Trust» is blind, or about his record of draft - dodging, his infideliBlind Trust» is blind, or about his record of draft - dodging, his infideliblind, or about his record of draft - dodging, his infidelities.
But even if you'd never read any coverage about the Trump Foundation, the basic lack of personal financial disclosure and unwillingness to promise he'll shift to a blind trust if he wins is all a person worried about conflicts of interest need to know.
Even if Mr. Kushner placed his own holdings in a blind trust, his marriage to Ms. Trump poses an inherent conflict, according to ethics experts, because he would have access through his wife to information about Mr. Trump's businesses that the president - elect should be barred from knowing.
Had Trump taken the measures suggested repeatedly by ethics experts on both sides of the political aisle, he would by now have put his assets in what's called a blind trust, which would entail turning over his empire to a third party with whom he will have no contact, who would sell off the properties and reinvest the resulting money in other assets without providing the president any information about the sales or the purchases.
A Herald / Times investigation found that Scott may only be disclosing those assets held in his newly - formed personal blind trust, not the assets held in his families» trust, raising questions about the completeness of his reports.
The Trump Organization can not be placed into a blind trust, an arrangement used by many politicians to prevent them from knowing their financial interests; the Trump family is already aware of who their overseas partners are and could easily learn about any new ones.
Well, he's got me proclaiming, for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, that something is deeply amiss within; that we think we're special and you are not; that you need us more than we need you; that we don't trust you or your brain; that you are obviously going to hell without us; that we are completely out of touch with the real world; that we don't have a sweet clue about you, your kind, or your needs and desires; and that we're oblivious to innuendo and blind to double entendre.
The discourses describing consumer experiences of maternity care in public and private hospitals: «next please, feeling depersonalised in the queue»; «feeling vulnerable in the care of a parade of strangers»; «expected to place blind trust in those who know nothing about me and still feel safe» captures the consumer experience of a fragmented maternity service care and subsequent distress associated with finding themselves in territory they never dreamed possible [45].
The curious thing about Snowfall is how glaringly the ask it is making of its viewers is at odds with the tension rising between the various players in the complicated drug ring depicted onscreen: an assumption of patience, and blind trust that it will deliver.
Rather do your own research about the dog food brand recommended before just blinding trusting their suggestion.
Talking to someone you trust about what they think are your interests, strengths, weaknesses helps to reveal blind spots and create new awareness of yourself.
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