Sentences with phrase «ackman sneered at»

Oddly, intellectuals and academics across America sneered at Eisenhower while he was president.
Ackman sneered at one point.
I laugh and sometime sneer at those who think new Fed Head Jerome Powell will impose monetary discipline by raising interest rates at least up to the real rate of inflation and reduce the Fed's balance sheet according the schedule as laid out by Yellen.
Cutler has sneered at Roger's ambition to head up the new SC&P: «And you'll be our king.»
So, can I sneer at the Buddhists for their arrogance in thinking * their * way is correct?
It featured some mountebank striding up and down in front of an audience, wisecracking and sneering at Darwinism....
Einstein was an atheist and would laugh and sneer at you.
re Rush L's comment - anybody who doesn't share the exact same ideology as you has to be slammed and sneered at.
The scientist must not sneer at the guy sitting in his back yard enjoying the sunset, saying, «He doesn't know anything about nature.
In fact any form of «dualism» with regard to the constitution of human nature has frequently been sneered at as philosophically dated and theologically distasteful.
I like that, and I would include sneering at the «religion» of atheism as being juvenile and stunted too.
It's a world - weary Tyrion Lannister sneering at the ridiculous motives of those around him.
I think this is important — some may sneer at the supposedly «uneducated» Gospel writers Matthew and Mark whose accounts are based on the testimony of working people.
It is popular among the elite Bible scholars and academy - trained theologians to sneer at the uneducated lay person who seeks to teach Scripture and theology to others as being «untrained» and therefore, unable to accurately teach others what God is like, what He says in Scripture, and how to live life in light of what we learn.
The more the elite press sneered at Bobby as «ruthless,» the more it seemed to me that white ethnics were flocking to him.
Bible scholars and academy - trained theologians often sneer at the uneducated lay person who seeks to teach Scripture and theology.
I say it again, re-read her post ---- she if she wasn't sneering at people who had posted earlier.
In one respect, his presentation of Byzantium seems aimed at Gibbon, who sneered at Eastern Christian claims to be the protectors of reason and civilization.
Yet the impulse among European intellectuals since 1848 has been never to give the market its due, and to feel in fact that one is being ethical only if one sneers at market outcomes.
But the Republicans keep laughing and sneering at the poor while they do their damdest to shove this country deeper into the hole.
Finally, Hans Urs von Balthasar has it just right in The Glory of the Lord: «We can be sure that whoever sneers at [beauty] as if she were the ornament of a bourgeois past — whether he admits it or not — can no longer pray and soon will no longer be able to love.»
I SNEER at your blog!
I suppose you two would have sneered at the widow who gave all that she had, a mite, and wondered why she wasn't giving more.
Please, don't let us marginalise faith in God, or ignore what Christianity offers, or sneer at the possibility that men and women can know about the deepest and greatest things.
The honeymoon, that is, between the now enfeebled and increasingly remote souls who for over a quarter of a century had carped and sneered at Pope John Paul II (and by the same token at «PanzerCardinal» Joseph Ratzinger) but who had nevertheless hoped against hope for a Pope who would be somehow reborn if not as a fully paid - up liberal, as a Pope at least who would go easy on all that counter-cultural JPII stuff about being «signs of contradiction» and about continuity with the pre-conciliar Church and who had breathlessly found (so they thought) that, lo, it was even so, in the wonders of Deus Caritas Est. «On his election last spring,» carolled The Tablet, «the former CardinalRatzinger was widely assumed to have as his papal agenda the hammering of heretics and a war on secularist relativism, subjects with which he was associated as head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.»
Let me stress again that I do not for a moment sneer at compassion; it is right to rejoice in the knowledge that God is all - merciful.
If he was sneering at Darwin a bit (one does not need a mirror to know that one sneers), did he remember uncomfortably that a sneer is derived from an animal's lifting its lip to remind an enemy of its fangs?
One suspects, however, that what really stings Posner and Segall is Scalia (along with Roberts, Thomas, and Alito) sneering at the priests of Baal in the theocratic majority of Obergefell.
People sneer at the former communist true believers who have now become capitalist managers, and they make snide comments about foreigners who migrate from Eastern Europe and are willing to work for less money than Germans are.
No, it is not that, although that is the empirical expression, not to be sneered at, of the true reality of the Church, which is the supernatural organism, the divine society, in which Christ Incarnate still dwells among men, making them one with Him and thereby one with God.
is this: When he sneered at and abused himself beyond the tolerance of the crowd, it was not done through weakness but through strength, a defiance of God.1
There are lots of reasons for rejecting religion, for hating the Catholic Church, for sneering at Christians as hypocrites.
Join that with a terrible lapse in education quality, and with the segment of our population who actively sneer at education and you have a flock of voters waiting to be told how to vote by whoever tells them what they want to hear.
Marxism sneers at religion as an «opium» devised by the wealthy to keep the poor meek and content in their misery.
It is naturally very easy for the clever and well adjusted to sneer at simple people «finding Christ,» «knowing the saving power of Jesus,» and to forget that behind the «corny» expressions that may be used there lies a rather awe - inspiring truth.
I've spoken with twenty - somethings whose families ridiculed them when they came to Christianity and with women whose professors sneered at them when they challenged feminist teachings.
But the sneering at converts, qua converts, is a bit much.
To Christians who proudly wear their favorite fashion brand, or look askance at PC users, or sneer at drinkers of boxed wine, or belittle Christians who prefer Grisham, Koontz, and Clancy to Coetzee and McEwan, Paul would have much to say.
Exactly the sort of domestic arrangements sneered at and scorned by Bachofen's contemporaries, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
The remark may been intended as a sneer at Boehme, but it is an exact description of all works of literary art without exception.»
That unsharable feeling which each one of us has of the pinch of his individual destiny as he privately feels it rolling out on fortune's wheel may be disparaged for its egotism, may be sneered at as unscientific, but it is the one thing that fills up the measure of our concrete actuality, and any would - be existent that should lack such a feeling, or its analogue, would be a piece of reality only half made up.
okay, don't sneer at me for asking this question, but... could you use packaged frozen chopped spinach here?
My dad (a skinny - minny) sneered at them and said he doubted he'd care for them, what with the pineapple and the «diet» angle.
«It's not something that just to be sneered at as something that's not politically correct and we shouldn't be talking about it.»
We've got articles sneering at Pedro now the wind has changed and the rumour mill suggests (quite possibly incorrectly at this stage) that he is joining Chelski, and now we've got articles about Chelski fans» rants on the internet.
Good for you who booed and sneered at the AOB brigade.
The sound of their voices was very different, and Husing would have sneered at Cosell's bombast.
But does he have to sneer at players for not looking and acting the way they did 50 years ago, when every golfer was white and they all broke bread with him?
You always sneer at anyone that talks sense and accuse them of being an AKB.
Pedro 2015 flails around, arms raised, sneering at the ref.
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