Sentences with phrase «act abrogate»

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In gentler tones this is also the burden of the Sermon on the Mount where, without any abrogating of the Ten Commandments, the emphasis is shifted away from legalism to those inner attitudes that determine the nature of a man, and hence his acts.
Paul's theology concerning Judaism inhabited a world of «progressive revelation», from old to new, his heart bled for his people and he did not abrogate the ability to perform acts of Torah, he merely abrogated their sufficiency and ability in the light of the overruling fact of the cross.
«Article 3 (3) of the Constitution, 1992 makes it the offence of high treason for any person to suspend, overthrow or abrogate the constitution by violent or other unlawful means, or to aid and abet any other person in such acts.
The staff are claiming Ms Osei without recourse to laid down administrative structures and the Public Procurement Act, singularly abrogated contracts, secured a V8 Land Cruiser for her use, and awarded contracts worth thousands of dollars.
Mutations generally abrogate gene function, indicating that the maize allele acts by suppressing lateral shoot development, converting grassy teosinte into slim, single - stalked modern corn and male into female reproductive structures (7).
As framed by the Court, the issue presented was «whether the Languages Act is ultra vires or inoperative insofar as it abrogates a constitutional duty owed by Alberta to enact, print, and publish its laws in English and in French.»
A treaty, including one between the United States and a Native American tribe, is treated as a contract between two sovereign nations, and it can only be abrogated by acts of Congress.
The Court of Appeal of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (the «Court») has upheld a recent ruling that the common law right to claim the fees of foreign lawyers as a disbursement of BVI counsel was abrogated by s. 18 (3) of the Legal Profession Act 2015 («LPA»).
While a securities commission can not abrogate its responsibility to make its own determination as to whether an order is in the public interest, sections like s. 161 (6) of the B.C. Securities Act obviate the need for inefficient parallel and duplicative proceedings — in this case, by providing a triggering «event» other than the underlying misconduct.
In short, there are no laws prohibiting or rendering such contract clauses unenforceable, but an employer can not rely on such a contractual clause to abrogate its obligations under the Equality Act 2010.
An insurance company was required by the Uninsured Motorist Act to furnish uninsured motorist coverage to individuals occupying an uninsured automobile owned by the insured party or the insured's family and the contract can not be abrogated by lack of premium where the insurer did not offer the insured the opportunity to pay a premium.
The Disclosure Act «applies to, regulates and determines rights, duties, obligations, and remedies at common law or otherwise of the seller, real estate licensee, and purchaser with respect to disclosure of defects in the property and supplants and abrogates all common law liability, rights, duties, obligations and remedies therefore.»
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